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Much of this is gonna be made up but I just need to get it down and I don't wanna do more re-search. Also, possible trigger warning ⚠️ abortion.

Kairi's POV-

I paced my room all night. I couldn't sleep. I felt so stupid. How could I be this stupid? Keigo's already going to be dealing with his own kid now, plus us. I still have to get through school, not to mention IM FUCKING FOURTEEN!

"Your going to wear a hole through the floor." Etsuko said. I glared at her and she shrugged. I sighed and sat between the two who where sitting on my bed. Shoto hugged me.

"What's going through your head?" Shoto asked.

"I'm not ready. I mean, I can't be a mom! I'm fourteen." I put my face in my hands.

"Then don't. You have options." I sighed.

"But which one is the right one?" I asked before blowing my nose on a tissue.

"What do you want to do?" He asked me while pulling me into a hug.

"I don't want a kid, and I don't think I'm ready to go through pregnancy." I replied, snuggling into him. The smell of his warm fireplace helping me calm down.

"I guess we know our answer then." Etsuko said. I sighed.

"I guess so." I closed my eyes.

"I'll see you guys in the morning. Don't beat yourself up. We're here for you. Oh, and we should call your doctor in the morning." I nodded.


"Goodnight guys." She said.

"Night." I mumbled before I heard the door open and close.

-The next morning-

I woke up, tucked in bed, cuddled up against Shoto. I thought about everything that happened yesterday. Then I had another realization. It's Monday. Shit, we have school today.

"Shoto." I whispered. "Wake up please. We have school."

"Five more minutes." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Guess I'm taking a shower without you then." He opened an eye.

"You wouldn't dare." I smiled.

"I do." I got up.

"Fine." He said. We grabbed our clothes and took our shower. "Hey, how do you feel?"

"Stressed, but better." He hugged me.

"I'm glad. Now, let's call your doctor." I nodded and grabbed my phone. I pulled up their contact info and called them.

"Hi Kairi, what's up?"

"Hey, I may have had an accident."

"Why did you call me and not the police!"

"Not that type! I may have accidentally gotten pregnant. You can't tell Keigo."

"I don't know if that's better." I smiled. "So, what do you plan on doing?"

"Can I get an abortion and maybe birth control?"

"Of course kiddo. I'll sign you up for an appointment with some people I trust to not talk and we'll find what's best for you."


"Of course kiddo. I'll text you the appointment info. See you then."

"See you." I hung up the phone.

"There, now we're getting everything sorted out." Shoto said while hugging me.

"Yeah, I'm glad." There was a knock on the door.

"Aye love birds! Come on! You still gotta eat breakfast!" Etsuko yelled. I smiled.

"Off we go then." I grabbed Shoto's hand and our bags before opening the door. Things are going to be ok. We've got this.

So, I think it's kinda obvious that I'm not as interested in this fanfic as before. There is a chance that this is the last chapter I will write. I just did not like where I was taking it with the whole pregnancy thing so here we are. I hope you did enjoy what I wrote because I honestly liked what I wrote up until these past two chapters. Plus I didn't really know what else to write. Not like teenage pregnancy should be one of those options of what does come to my mind. Well, I hope you all have a good life. Bye!

650 words

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