Pre-U.A. Part 1

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Bnha Oc x Todoroki

I held Keigo's hand as an officer walked up to us.

"Your safe now." Later we where given the opportunity to train and be heroes. Keigo took the offer. That's when we where put in the hero commission young trainee program. They trained small kids to be strong hero's. I didn't exactly understand what any of it meant then, but now, as I avoid the punches being thrown at me I realize something. Kids shouldn't be trained that young and thrown into something they don't understand.

I did an uppercut, then jumped on the tall male and used my momentum to catch him off balance. I pulled the knife out of his hand and sliced his neck open.

"Perfect. Just like your brother." I got up. Yeah. Just like Keigo. I wiped the blood off of my face that had sprayed from the man's neck.

I didn't even flinch anymore. I didn't feel anything when I killed anymore. "I say you aced the test. Pack up and head home, happy birthday Takami." I bowed.

"Thank you sir." I walked off and dropped the knife in the bin outside the room. I saw the rest of the kids, they where just like me and Kei. Forced into this with no way out.

I went to the locker room and changed. I pulled out my phone and saw that Keigo texted me.

🐓: I'm taking you to the producers studio when your out. We also need to talk about something

I hope everything is alright. I grabbed my bag and shoes. I went to the front desk and waited for Kei to sign me out. After a bit he finally shows up.

"How'd you do?"

"They said I aced it. Pretty sure it was sarcastic. I could've gone faster. I was sloppy and almost missed my footing once. Long hair is also a disadvantage." He nodded.

"Well, you get the weekend off." I nod.

"I guess. I'd rather be training though."

"Your producing the songs, that's something. It'll help your reputation in the future." I shrug.

"I guess." We walk out and get in the car.

"What do you wanna do for your birthday?"

"Nothing." I stared out the window. After a bit he sighed.

"I'm taking you out of the program." My head snapped to look at him.

"What! Why?" I yelled.

"What they do is wrong. Besides, you can still be a hero. And an idol, don't worry. I also heard rumor that their ending it soon. I doubt it."

"How WILL I become a hero then?" I asked.

"You'll go to Yuuei. I already put a recommendation in for you. Plus, you can't just write songs freely without someone breathing down your back there. Now you can. You said your hair got in the way, you can do whatever you want with it." I looked back out the window. He was right.

"Ok." He patted my head.

"I'm glad you understand."

I nodded.

We arrived at the studio and I instantly got to warming up my vocal cords. After a few minutes we jumped right into it. Music really was my escape from this bullshit of a life. I guess it was changing now though.

Near the end of the session I started smelling something sweet. Like strawberry milk. When we got in the car my head started hurting, bad. Keigo gave me some pills. "I'm taking you to the doctor. I think your having a heat."


"It's fine, you can get through this. The first is always the worst." I felt something soft lay over me as I curled in a ball. After a few minutes I felt a bit better, but my head was still fuzzy. Keigo opened my door and helped me walk into the doctors office. He upped the dose that Keigo gave me a little bit and set up prescriptions. He also gave me two free bottles to get through the week. We went back home and I buried myself in my bed. There was a knock on the door.

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