Unlikley Friends

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Kairi's POV

I stared out the window of Keigo's car. I had put the devil card in my phone case earlier. Now my phone was being spun around in my hands.

"What's wrong?" Keigo asked still staring at the road. I was thankful that he lectured me on the way home versus now.

"Nothing." Lie. For multiple reasons. Keigo clicked his tongue.

"As if I'll believe that. Come on, what cat has your tongue?"

"Etsuko ran away with the twins."

"That's not all." There was a long silence. I didn't want to tell him. "You never mess with your phone. You always twiddle your thumbs or put your necklace in your mouth. I also know that look. Something reminded you of something. Come on, I know."

"Yeah." Was all I said.

"Seriously? Do you not trust me for some reason?" His knuckles where white from gripping the steering wheel.

"No, I'm not ready to talk about it." Keigo's shoulders fell and he loosened his grip on the wheel.

"Ok." There was no point in trying to reason with him. We both knew if I didn't want to talk about it, then I wouldn't. "Rumi will be at the hospital when she's off of patrols." That was all that was said until we got back to the hospital room.

Shoto, Midoriya, and Iida where stuck in the hospital until the end of the week. That's when we all finally went home. I didn't hear anything about Etsuko or her party. Though, it seemed Stain's words rang in people's head more than I thought they would. That weekend I went to see him.

"Seemed you cause more of an uprising than necessary. Honestly, it would've come one way or another no matter if you said anything or not. I picked up a card and put it in my hand. Ace of spades. I put my measly two of spades in the discard.

"Anyone join the league?" He picked up a card and scowled. He put it in the discard.

"Not that I know of. Course, people are gonna assume you where working with them, so I have no doubt their gonna join." We put our hands down. He grumbled as I smirked. I collected our 'biddings'. He grabbed the cards and shuffled them. I picked up my water and took a drink.

"You have a tarot deck?" I felt the water try to escape through my nose. Ouch. I set my cup down and coughed. "So, yes?"

"Y-yeah. How-"

"I recognize the irregular card in your phone case. The corner is poking through the camera hole. What card is it?"

"The devil."

"Hm. What question did you ask?"

"I don't exactly remember... but my friend ran away with her little siblings and girlfriend." Stain dealt the cards and flipped the first one. "I hope her temptations don't pull her in the wrong direction."

"Wrong and right aren't always that different."

"That is why we became friends after all. Speaking of, how are you holding up in here?"

"Bored." I chuckled.

"Sorry. I'll see if I can get you a deck or something."

"Thanks." We played a few hands before speaking again. "You know, very few treat me like a human. Even though I am one. Thank you." I flipped the next card.

"Believe me, I've had my fair share of in human treatment. See the scar on my shoulder? Goes over my breast down to my thigh. That's not even the worst of it." We put our hands down. He won.

"How old are you again?" He said, scooping up the chips in the center. I shuffled the cards.

"Fifteen." He hummed.

"What's your worst scar?" I stood up and lifted my shirt.

"Either the rib that had to be replaced," I pulled one side of my pants down a few centimeters to show my other surgery mark. "or my partial hip replacement."

"Damn." I sat back down and felt the cards. I flipped the first one. He took his bet and I took mine.

"What's your real name?" I asked.

"Chizome Akaguro. Didn't you read the paper?" The betting round ended and he picked up a card.

"I tend to just find white lies in the paper. Endeavor was given credit for our work."

"Your work." I smiled. "How's your boyfriend and the other's?"

"Iida wouldn't accept his scars to be healed until he feels worthy of the Ingenium name. Midoriya's doing great. He's broken enough bones by now for these injuries to be a breeze."


"I suspect he inherited his quirk right before school started. His body wasn't used to his quirk. So, he constantly broke his bones. That was the first time I'd ever seen him use his quirk without breaking his bone."

"Your boyfriend."

"He's doing good. He's fully recovered. Do you have any family or friends?" He shook his head and flipped over a card. "I'll be your friend. I'll visit every weekend I don't have a heat. I might be having my heat this weekend by the way." He nodded.


"I don't have many friends either. But I know it's good to have someone. I used to just have Etsuko. Keigo and I... we weren't always as close as we are now. Years ago there'd always be blood splattered whenever we saw each other in more than passing." I flipped the final card.

"What changed?"

"I went out in the rough waves. It was flooding season for the lower parts of Japan."

"That's dangerous. Where you forced?"

"I know, and no."


"I saw Etsuko on the shore line. I realized I shouldn't have done that. I was pushed under and... thankfully someone saved me. I woke up and saw Etsuko and Keigo by my side. I didn't know why Keigo was there, but I was thankful. He looked like he had been bawling his eyes out for hours, maybe he had. No one told him it was that. They just told him it was a new training technique." We had paused our playing.

"How are you doing now?"

"Much better. I found people I care about that support me and love me. How about you?"

"I always had killing going for me. I never got close to anyone cause of it. Except you. It was the literal reason we bonded."

"Yup." We chuckled. The entire game and conversion had been watched by security guards, but we didn't care. I didn't care if my friend was a villain or not. We both where anti heroes or vigilantes, maybe something else. Who knew, but we where the between the two sides of the coin. Through all of that, we trusted each other funny enough. Honestly it was probably cause we missed having a friend like us. The odd ones out always have to stick together.


Short chapter but at least it's something. I may do entirely a smut chapter or just a time skip.

1162 words

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