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This is gonna be long. Be prepared. I don't wanna make this two parts so here you go.

Kairi's POV

Each of my teachers watched me like a hawk, lol.  Along with Shoto, for many reasons. At the end of the week I went through each of my teachers reports, I was cleared! I would sit with Aizawa and Yamada, the announcers locked in a room away from everyone else. Like Rumi promised I had a new collar and weights. I had a lot more mobility with these ones. I am extremely thankful. Rumi and Hawks sat in the corner of the small announcers box as I watched below. Mr.Yamada told everyone that I'd be up with the announcers though I am a 1-a student.

Each class came out, class 1-a was first. I waved at my class. They waved back. I then noticed Shoto who seemed kinda sad. I make sure he's looking at me and start dancing around. I accidentally hit my head on the window.

"Ow! Dang I'm dumb." I stand back up and notice Shoto laughing extremely hard. I smile and sit back down. I can also hear Kei and Rumi chuckling. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up guys." I watch the other classes come out. I watched the Tv's to get a better view. I notice Shoto look at me again. I wave again, he waved back.

"Stop waving at your boyfriend it's distracting." Aizawa hissed. I sit back and pout. The first activity is an obstacle course. "I wonder what kind of obstacles there are!"

"Shush. They can hear everything we say in here."

"Oof." The classes get funneled through a tight passage way. I watch the tv in the room aang start jumping around at Shoto's early lead.

"Ms. Takami seems to be very exited." Present Mic says.

"Of course! Shoto's early lead eliminated a lot of people, those who made it through proved that they have stronger quirks and are more skilled. Honestly, that should be an actual first obstacle because it's shows that the strong students can adapt quickly." I notice Keigo counting down.

"Two, one."

"Plus it shows Shoto's strength! He's so cool!"

"Your not supposed to pick favorites." Aizawa said.

"I'm not an official announcer, first off. Second, is it wrong of me to say my boyfriend is my favorite? Ooooh! What are those!" I say seeing the giant robots.

"The robots from the entrance exam!" Mr.Yamada yelled.

"Those where the entrance exam test! I'm now jealous! Those are so cool! How old are they? What can they do? How do they react to certain environments? What metal are they made of?"

"Kairi." Rumi whispered.

"Sorry." I say. One of the huge ones freeze over. Another point for Shoto. I start dancing in a circle. I watch and notice Shoto run past as the robot falls. "Of course! Every man for himself. He froze the robot at an of balance so that he can pass by safely, but it'll eventually block off everyone else when it falls. I hope no one got caught underneath." That's when I see someone break out. "Kirishima of class 1-a! Thank goodness it was just him. Wait! That's Tetsutetsu of class 1-b! So cool! From what I remember their quirks are kinda similar. They could make a good team in the future." I watch closely. "It's interesting seeing how everyone uses their quirks to get through. Some you'd expect, but others, you would've never thought about that unless that was your quirk."

"You know, for not being an official announcer, your pretty good." Yamada said.

Two, one."

"Look! Their at the next obstacle and Shoto is in lead! Whoooooo!"

"Kairi!" Rumi hissed. "Maybe turn down the obsession?"

"Sorry Rumi. But look at that. Shoto is just gliding through. I kinda wanna make an ice skating pun but I've got nothing. I am bad at puns. Ok, but look at Shoto! He's kept a good lead in first. There goes Bakugou! He has quite the fiery attitude. He's honestly mean and scary, wait, that's interesting." I see Midoriya. "Midoriya has a scrap of metal. It looks like he hasn't even used his quirk yet. Midoriya has a strength enhancing quirk, when he uses it he is as fast as All Might. I'm not even exaggerating. But, it's at the cost of his bones being broken. I wonder if Recovery Girl is tired of him yet." I hear Keigo burst out laughing. "What?"

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