As Snyder is led up the ramp, Crutchie says, "Oh mister Snyder. The first thing you wanna do in jail? Make friends with the rats. See what you have in common." Snyder just glares at him. Before the door closes behind him, Crutchie stops the man and says, "sir, may I?" the man steps back, and Crutchie satsifyling closes the door, locking Snyder away. Everyone cheers louder.

And then he's led away.

"Why does he look like he's smiling?" Mush comments.

It's true. It's...kinda creepy. His ice blue eyes calculating above what appears to be a smile.

Blink shrugs. "Maybe he sees it from our perspective and is happy to be led away for good?" They just look at each other and shrug again. They smile and lace their fingers together.

They truly are meant to be best friends...and more.

And they all watch Snyder disappear into the distance for good.

David, Sarah, and Les watch Jack go talk to Mr. Roosevelt himself. Denton explained to them everything: how the governor heard the story, all the itty bitty details, and now Teddy Roosevelt is offering to take Jack wherever he wants to go.

David tries not to let it show, but...his smile droops when he thinks about what's happening. This is it. He's leaving us. For good. To go to Santa Fe. Like he's always wanted.

But then he notices the amazing smile on Jack's face. David tries smiling too. He looks truly happy. He turns away. I just wished that I would be the one to make him that happy.

"Come on," he tells his siblings, back turned to Jack. "He's moving on."

Jack's smile is wide. Finally.

Santa Fe.

He's nearly there.

He's in the carriage already. He's practically there.

He turns back to find David, tell him what's happening. His smile fades when he sees David and find that his back is turned to him, walking away. He's not even interested it.

What do I have if I don't have Santa Fe?

And yet...this doesn't feel right.

Jack slumps down in the carriage a little.

"Whatever is the matter, dear boy?" Teddy Roosevelt inquires.

"Oh, it's nothing," Jack assures him. "It's just..." he sighs.

"I'm listening."

Jack looks into the kind eyes of the governor, and opens up. "It's just...Davey. He's back there. He's my friend. Really good friend. I met him a week ago, but we've been through so much..."

Roosevelt nods understandingly. "You'll miss him when you're in Santa Fe, I believe?"

"Oh, definitely," Jack responds instantly. I miss him now.

"So what does Santa Fe have that you can't find here?"

And that's the million dollar question.

"Well..." Jack trails off. "It ain't nothin' like New York. Less people. Less people forcing you to be one thing, to work for 'em. I won't sell any more papes. And it's bigger there. All of it. The land, the sun..."

It's the same sun as the one here. Sarah told him that. 

But Santa Fe doesn't have any of the Jacobs siblings.

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