◇chapter 18◇

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Tw: again slight tw for selfharm, but I think if you have read this far, you can handle it, but please don't read if you're uncomfortable <3


"I'm sorry, but I really have to go home" I apologized while putting my clothes back on. "It's fine, sweetheart, I understand, I'll drive you" Cate half-whispered, admiring me, still laying in bed.

She got out of bed and put on a pair of loose pants and a white button up.
"Are you ready?" I asked while putting my shoes on. She nodded and we went out to her car, it was raining so we hurried, not wanting to be soaked.

"You can put on music if you want" She gave me a small smirk, before looking forward again.

Now, choose a song, but not a depressed one, you can do that.

I opened Spotify and put on my favourite Fleetwood Mac song, Rhiannon, and I heard Cate hum in approval.

Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night and wouldn't you love to love her
Takes to the sky like a bird in flight
And who would be her lover

"Ah I love this song" She exclaimed while tapping her fingers against the staring wheel. I sang along to the words, gazing out the window.

"You have a beautiful singing voice, dear" Cate smiled, eyes on the road but one of her hands on my thigh.

"Oh, na not really, but thank you" I giggle and continue to sing. The ride was then mainly quiet except our voices singing in harmony to the music.

"We're here"  She stated, taking my hand and kissing the back of it. "I love you, please be careful, call or text me if you need anything. I'm here for you, and I'll do anything for you to feel better" She ranted, a tear slowly ran down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away and kissed me.

"I love you too, and I promise, I'll text if something happens" I said and got our of her car, with bag in hand I made my way to my door.

"Hey, where have you been?" My mother stood in the hallway, she didn't look mad, mostly curious.
"I've been with a friend, just since lunch" I quickly lied and went to my room.

"Oh, just a friend" my mother started while leaning against my wall, "because Ella might have told me that you've got a girlfriend"

And I'll fucking kill that little bitch of a sister.

"Who is she? I really wanna meet her" She said with excitement in her voice. Yeah no you don't.

"Ehm she's.. a bit older than me, and she has a work with kinda weird shifts, so I was lucky to meet her today, you know" I tried to "explain", my shaky voice did probably not fool her in any way, but maybe she would get the hint.

"Oh I see, how much older?" She asked almost a bit nervous.

Lie, she's fucking older than your mom


"Ah alright, I was scared she would be like 30 or something" She chuckled before turning around.

Oh if you only knew

"be careful though, well, at least you can't get pregnant"

True, but she can fuck me till I can't walk


A while later my phone rang, I was hesitant at first, I hate answering calls, but it was Jessica, I had to.

"Hey Jess"

"Hi Hanna, come over to my place, Harry and Anna are here too, pleeeeaase" She talked quite out-dragged and stuttered every now and then.

"Jess are you drunk?" I whispered, not wanting my parents to hear.

"What? No, I'm not drunk, come over"
She whined, and I heard Anna's voice in the background "Jessica, here, let me talk to her"

"Hey Hanna, sorry, yes she's drunk"
She chuckled slightly as Jessica shouted that's she wasn't.

"Yeah I got that, but what are you guys doing?" I asked, I thought I'd feel left out, but I really didn't, I could focus on anything else than Cate.

"Really just hanging around, but we miss you, please come to Jessica's"
She pleaded, they wanted me there.

"I'll ask my parents" I said and hung up.

"Ask us what?" My dad shouted from the living room, I chuckled and went there.

"Can I go to Jessica?" I asked.

"Will you stay the night?"

"I don't know, maybe"

"Sure, do that if it's okay with them, go, have fun"

"Thank you" I hugged him and texted Anna that I was on my way. I threw some clothes in a bag, together with a bottle of vodka I had hidden. Harry better have some kind of drugs I swear to god.

"Haaannnaa!" Jessica shouted as soon as I stepped in her house. She ran up to me and gave me a tight hug, like we hadn't seen each other in a year.

"Jess, how much have you had to drink tonight?" I asked, covering my worry with a giggle.

"Just like, half a bottle of tequila" Harry shouted from the living room.

"Jessica!" I said sternly.

"Whaaat? It's fiinee, we're on break!"
She slurred, kind of falling onto me, and holding me for dear life. "Oh god, come here" I sighed and walked her to Harry and Anna, laying her down on her couch.

"Anna, bring a bucket, Harry bring a liter of water, I fix something for her to eat" I chuckled before going inside the kitchen. I opened her fridge and prepared a sandwich.

Coming back to the bigger room I saw Jessica hovering over the bucket and Anna holding her hair. "It's okay Jess, let it out" She said in a caring matter.

"Are you okay? Here" I asked, giving her the bottle of water.
"I'm fine" She groaned.

"What was the reason to get shit-faced drunk this time? Was it a guy?" I questioned. I gazed towards Harry and Anna, both looking a bit down, and when they exchanged glances I grew frustrated. "What's going on?"

"My shitty parents are getting a divorce" Jess mumbled before slumping back onto the couch.

"Oh Jess I'm so sorry" I empathised, giving her her sandwich, which she gladly took before looking back at me with glassy eyes.

"Well, at least I don't cut myself while feeling bad"

The new teacher, Ms Blanchett.. (femXfem)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz