)) chapter 10 ((

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A few weeks past without me telling Cate a thing, and I was now on my way to the last day before fall break.

"You're early miss Riddle" Harry said with a silly voice. "Shut it and give me a cigarette" I grunted, but still gave him a playful smile.
"As you wish my lady" He bowed and gave me one.
"What's wrong with you today? Have you turned into a straight white man from the 60's?" Jess chuckled as she lit her own cigarette.

"Oh shut it, I would rather die than be straight" He marked.

"Harry, people get killed for being queer, don't say stuff like that" Anna informed. "She's right Harry, I know I wouldn't like to be straight either, but we are lucky for being here" I almost whispered before taking a drag.

"You have had to stand more homophobia than me though Hanna, all the guys picks on you for being gay" He reminded.

"Well yeah, but that's because they think it's hot and it's really fucking disgusting, but you've been hurt" I stated. "Okay, our lesson starts soon, let's go and not talk about how fucked the world is" She said rolling her eyes and grabbing my arm to pull me away.

"Okay class, I want everyone to hand their novels in today, they do not have to be done or correct, you'll then get them back after the break to finish them" Ms Blanchett explained.

Some students nodded their heads and then opened their computers.
Anna raised her hand in the back of the classroom and I saw Ms Blanchett get up. "Hi, sorry for asking Miss, but could I possibly sit next to Hanna today?" I heard her say as I stopped focusing on my text.

I didn't hear Cate's answer, but since Anna later stood up I assumed that it was okay, moments later she sat beside me. "Hi, it's fine that I'm sitting her right?" She wondered.
"No absolutely not, go away" I said sarcastically and overly dramatic.
She shot me a cute smile before continuing on her novel.

"What's your novel about?" I asked curiously.
"It's about a woman who lives in a world without sexism and misogyny, probably just some dream of mine that I wrote"

"That would've been an amazing world" I stated, "What's your about then?" I looked at her awkwardly and then back at my text. "Well, it's a paranomal activity type of text, like stuff that fuck your mind up, it's stupid I know but.."
"No it seems cool" Anna shrugged.


"Hanna can I have a word with you?"
The rest of the class left the room.
"Now, will you be fine during the break?" She stood in front of me with her arms crossed. "We haven't really talked about what I saw when we" she paused. "You know, and I need to know what's going on"

"Cate, I'm sorry, but why do you care so much about this, we're just screwing, aren't we?" I blurted out, not realizing what I said and how aggressive it came out. I definitely hoped we weren't 'just' screwing.

Cate bit her lip and observed the floor. Did she want something more? God I hope so.
"Cate, please, I want an answer" I begged.

"I, do you, I don't.." She stuttered.
I stepped forward and caressed her hands in mine. "Cate, what is it? What's the worst that could happen?" I asked her.
"I can't tell you Hanna, I'd love to but, I-" I cut her off with a soft kiss, she was so extremely worried and it worried me even more.

"You don't have to tell me if you feel uncomfortable, but I still want to talk about it sometime, you're making me worried" I eyed her, making sure that she listened. "I'm sorry sweetheart, I don't want you to feel that way, it's nothing you have to worry about, okay?" My heart skipped a beat at the common nickname, but I nodded and got out of the classroom. Heading to the next class.


"You're late Miss Riddle, care to explain?" Mr Harmon said without even looking at me.
"Sorry, Ms Blanchett asked me to stay a bit after class" I excused while taking a seat. "Mhm, and what did you talk about" what's this dude's problem?

"Sorry Mr Harmon, but I will not tell you that" I responded with an almost harsh tone. He turned around to face me and the class. "Why? Was it a secret conversation?" He said with crossed arms.

"Why do you care so much?"

"I don't like that attitude of yours" he said sternly.


"Detention, with Ms Blanchett, since you seem to like her, and with me, because I wanna know what I'm missing"  This man can't be for real

"Fine" creep..


"Hanna, detention again? What's the reason this time?" The blonde teacher said with an amused smile.

"She has some attitude problems, and she was late to my class" Mr Harmon said standing behind me.

"Oh I see, but it was my fault, I held her back, so I don't think this is necessary" She tried to explain, probably not wanting to be held back from break.

"Well, she still used an unacceptable attitude so I'm going to keep her here, with you" he said sternly.

"Why both of us?" She asked with an raised brow.

"She seem to like you, and I wanted to" He coughed, "observe"
These words sent shivers down my back and Cate looked utterly disgusted. 

"Come on, don't be shy" he said walking around the classroom.
"You two have something going on, am I right?" He chuckled, gripping my arms and led me to stand next to Cate.
He truly is disgusting..

He stepped behind the older woman and put a strain of hair behind her ear. I sneaked a look of her and saw her with a look I rarely see on her face. Fear.

I wanted to take her hand, kick that man between his legs, and run away, with Cate. We could live together, forever, just us.

I was so caught up in my dream that I didn't take notice of Mr Harmon's hands, running up and down Cate's sides. He soon did the same to me, and I'd hade enough.

"Stop! Don't fucking touch me! Or her either!" He was in a state of shock at first, but then he leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Kiss her, and I'll let you go..."

The new teacher, Ms Blanchett.. (femXfem)Where stories live. Discover now