● chapter 1●

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*beeb beeb*

I reached out my arm to turn of the irritating sound, after a few failed attempts it finally shut up.
Monday, fuck, school starts today.
I did not want to be late, for obvious reasons, so I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom.

I had my eyes half closed as I washed my hands, not wanting to see how terrible I looked, the mirror made me really uncomfortable in the mornings, well they made me uncomfortable every time I checked myself in them.

I hated breakfast, at least this early, it was only 06.20, having to eat felt like a challenge from jigsaw. But the thought of the questions my parents would ask if I skipped breakfast made it easier to eat. My dad walked in the kitchen, a quiet good morning left his mouth, I gave him a half hearted smile and continued to eat.

I walked back into my room to check my phone, a message from Jessica:

Jess👁👅👁: Hi! U want me to drive you to school today??💕

Me: Sure Jess, when are you here?💖

Jess👁👅👁: 7.40, see you then u lil whore 😘

I laughed quietly, not wanting my sister that rushed down the stairs to ask anything, "u late? Why are you running sis?" My sister, who was just two years younger than me, tried to hit my arm, but our dad got in between us.

I ran into the bathroom again to brush my teeth, "for real? I need to get in" Ella shouted from the outside,
"Wait I'm just brushing my teeth, I'll be done in a minute" I hurried up and got out, pushing her into the bathroom.

I put on some make up, nothing special, just some to make me more confident, I let my brown hair straight  and down, I didn't feel like doing anything to it. I wore a basic black, long sleeved shirt, a pair of denim shorts and a leather jacket.
Soon I heard Jess's car, I grabbed my backpack, put on my combat boots and headed out. "Bye mom" i said as I shut the door.

"Hi bitch how are you?" Jess had a overly happy face, I kinda felt like punching it, but I didn't.
"Hi, yeah I'm fine, u?" I smiled and closed the car door. "You know, school start, but at least it's our last year" she gave me a cigarette and drove to school.

We were on time, luckily, and walked in, "which class do we have first? Or do we just have a check since it's the first day?"
"Hanna chill, we have a check, the whole school is meeting up ok?"
I was stressed, only God knows why.

We saw a few other friends and sat next to them, "Hi girls, how's it going?" Harry, a guy that didn't give a shit about people that didn't like him, talked to us, but we didn't have time to answer since the principal started talking.

"Hello and welcome to Rosestone's Highschool, I hope everyone had a nice summer, but now we're back and motivated to work and get good grades" some students groaned while others seemed to enjoy the talk.
She looked around continued,

"We have a few new teachers this year, you who had Mr. Johnson in Spanish will instead have Ms. Leona
And in english, you who had Ms. Andersson will have Ms. Blanchett.

Huh, a new english teacher, I liked the last one, but that doesn't mean that the new one isn't good.

"Hey, I heard that the new teacher in english is hot" Jess threw a weird look at Harry, "aren't you gay?"
"Yes, but she's still hot,  I mean just because I find a pair of shoes nice, do I wanna buy them? No"
I laughed at his comparison, I glanced over to the teacher row, seeing two that were new, a blond and a redhead, God I hope that the blond one is my teacher.

"Heeyyy, our first class is english, we'll get to meet the new teacher" Anna then said, we all smiled and walked out of the big meeting room.
"It's in room F264 right?" I looked at Jess, who usually knew that stuff, she nodded and went in to the classroom.

I sat myself down in the back next to Anna, since Jess wanted to sit in the front, "How are you, Hanna?" She looked rather serious, "I'm fine, you?" I casually replied, "I'm good, but, are you really fine?" I saw how she glanced over at my arms, I quickly crossed them, "I'm fine Anna, I promise" I'm not sure if she believed me, but what can I do?

The teacher walked in, everyone became quiet, she looked quite scary, if you will, even though she wore a light yellow suit, that made her gorgeous blue eyes stand out. What are you thinking?! Stop, she's a teacher, probably around 45 or 50, nothing for you.

"Hi class, I'm Ms Blanchett and I'm your new teacher, I want all of you, one at a time of course, to stand up and present yourselves okay?"

The front row started, people said their names and some things that they liked, Anna then stood up.
"Hi my name is Anna Cooper, I like books, baking and movies" she sat down and looked at me. I felt quite anxious, but managed to stand up.

"I'm Hanna, I like music, mainly mother mother and My chemical romance"

"Fucking EMO!" a guy in the middle shouted, his friends laughed but stopped clearly because Ms Blanchett gave them an angry look, "please continue Hanna" she smiled at me and I felt a bit more comfortable.

"I also like writing and, um, singing"
I sat down before one of the guys could say anything stupid again.
"Okay, so your first assignment" she turned around to write on the board,
"I want you to write an essay about yourselves, it has to be at least 700 words, and it has to be handed in by next Monday"

The room got filled with talking, manly by Alex, the guy who shouted at me, and his pals.
"Guys no talking, you'll be writing on your computers, so start"

I opened my computer and a document, I raised my hand, Ms Blanchett got up to me asking what I wanted.

"I'm just wondering if we should write it as a letter or?"

"Yes that would be perfect, good question, I'll tell the rest of the class, guys, you'll be writing this as a letter, it doesn't have to be to me, but in that form, alright?" She gave me a simple smile and walked back to her desk.

About me
Hi, I'm Hanna Riddle, I was born in Sweden, that country isn't very special, quite boring actually..

The bell rang and we all packed up our things, "Hanna will you stay just for a minute please?" I froze, had I done something? No, I hadn't, whatever, I nodded and waited behind.

"Hi, I'm sorry, I just wanted to check on you, since the guys were kinda mean, how are you?"

For the first time I felt like telling someone how I actually feel, but I couldn't, I would start crying and that's the last thing I wanted.
"I'm fine, I don't really care, it's not my fault that their lives are boring and that they need to make fun of other because of it" I heard how quick I said that, but I didn't care to slow down, I wanted to leave.

"Well, may I ask, why are you wearing a long sleeved shirt, it's really warm in here and outside" I felt my heart beating faster and harder, not knowing what to say. "I-um, you're wearing a suit miss, aren't that too hot as well?

She giggled, "Well I have to be presentable, and I can take it off if you want" she laughed. Fuck her laugh is cute, I gave out a small and awkward laugh, "Well, do you want anything else? I don't wanna be late for my next class"

"No, off you go" she smiled, I couldn't help but do the same.

I could only think of one thing during the rest of that day, Ms Blanchett..

The new teacher, Ms Blanchett.. (femXfem)Where stories live. Discover now