◇ chapter 2 ◇

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Anna and I were staying at Jessica's house after school, talking and just hanging out after a long day was always what we needed.

"K so should we eat something first?" Jess unlocked the door to let us in,
"Sure, I'm hungry, the school lunch was crap" They laughed and we went in to her kitchen. Jess's mom sat at the table, writing or something on her computer. "Oh hi girls, you want something?" She had a nice, stable tone in her voice.

"No thanks mom we'll just take something small now" she grabbed a soda as well as a jar, I assumed that it contained cookies.

We all got into her room, we sat on her bed and Anna opened the jar and grabbed a cookie, "so what should we talk about? Jess, u got a new guy or something?" I giggled at her sentence, Jess had always like boys in the way of: Hi I like u, sex everyday during a week, then a new guy.

"Well, I dunno, maybe the guy that sits next to Alex, I don't remember his name though" She laughed, "Kai" I said, "I think that's his name"
They nodded, agreeing that it was probably right. "Well I personally think that'll be cute, Hanna, you got anyone?" Anna seemed excited for some reason. "Me, haha, no, I'ma be single for the rest of my life" I said.

"What did Ms Blanchett tell you after class?" Jess quickly said in a flirty way. "No Jess, she just checked in on me, since the guys were a bit mean, that's all" She hummed and winked at Anna, their giggles filled the room as they continued making fun of me and Ms Blanchett, saying how they shipped us etc.


Tuesday morning was a bit more stressful, I didn't eat breakfast, since my dad was in the bathroom and my mother was upstairs, did my make up a bit more special, more eyeliner and a pair of false lashes. The skirt with black details worked perfect with my black turtleneck and my white n black converse.

Jess had managed to ride to school with Kai, I don't know how she did that, but she's kinda amazing in that way.
So that day I walked to school, I actually enjoyed walking, listening to music at the same time made it even better. The hard thing is not to start singing though, that would've been awkward.

When I was at school the clock was only 7.45, so I decided to take out a cigarette, leaning against the wall Anna came up to me.
"Hi girl, oh, should you be smoking here, now?" She sounded concerned, I knew she only wanted me to feel alright, but I found that quite annoying. "Yes Anna, I think it's fine"
She smiled in a shy way, "Okay, well see you in english later" she walked over to Jess who just got there.

My first class was Spanish, we mainly talked about grammar and boring stuff, P.E sucked, we played volleyball but since I'm a girl I never really got to play. A girl from my Spanish called me a dyke in the locker room, nothing new, but Jess got up to her and told her to fuck off, she actually cared about me, which made me happy, at least so happy that I could be.

After P.E I had english, i checked my watch, "20 minutes left" I looked at my friends, "should we go somewhere and you know" I put my index finger and my thumb up to my mouth.
"Yes, I've got some nice shit waiting" Harry said, we asked if anyone else cared to join, Anna was scared, Her words, Jess joined and the other stayed with Anna.

We leaned against a wall, the back of the school were no one else were.
"How'd you get this Harry?" Jess asked, she clearly wanted more, "a guy from Sweden sent it to me, it was expensive af but, why not you know?" We laughed, smoked and then hurried back to our classes.

"Bye Harry" me and Jess walked in to English, the whole class stared at us, including Ms Blanchett, "and why are you late?" She said with a stern voice.
"I- um we" Jessica stuttered, "it was my fault, I kinda forced her to help me with something" I knew how much school meant for Jess, and getting her in trouble would mess her up, and it was my idea, so.

"Fine, detention Ms Riddle, my classroom after school, now sit down please" I sat in the back next to Anna again, Jess sat next to Kai, seemed like Alex was gone today, I smirked at the thought if him in pain or discomfort.

"So, as I said, continue on your earlier project"
The lesson was longer then want I would've wished, but at least we had lunch now, no class, just time to talk with my friends. When the bell rang everybody obviously packed up and walked out, I did the same, but as I was leaving i felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hanna, why were you late? I'm just curious, I wanna know, please tell me" Ms Blanchett sat down on a bench, I felt my throat going dry, not knowing what to say. "I sorry, but I can't tell you" I said, knowing how stupid it was, "Well, I know, you and Jessica definitely smelled" my heart dropped, fuck, of course, we didn't even try to get rid of the smell.

"I-ehm, I'm sorry" was all I could say.
"Well, you did some kind of drugs, got late to class, and now, you lied, that's not very good is it?" She said it almost a bit sarcastic, and her eyes glanced up and down over my body.
"Long sleeves again, aren't you hot in that, since, I guess, you were outside earlier"

"No, I'm not warm, well not hot either, and you're.." I saw that she wore a t-shirt today, "Nope, I'm not wearing a suit, so be quiet" she giggled, "Well then, see you at detention" I nodded and walked to my locker, grabbing my books and headed to my next class.

"Hanna, please tell me" Jessica was overly excited, "what happened?"
I shook my head,"nothing Jess, she asked why we were late, she figured it out, but you're not in trouble"
She smiled and sat down next to Harry, I found a empty seat, I could finally sit alone.

"Wanna hang after school?" Harry asked with his fingers up to his mouth, Jess and Anna nodded, "Well I've got detention so, but you can hang it's fine" Anna gave me a empathic clap on my shoulder, Jess smiled and asked if she could bring Kai. "No fucking when we are there though, ok Jessica?"
"Fine" she said sarcastically.

"Bye, I'm heading to detention" I said quickly walking as I did not wanna be late, again. "Tell us if you fucked or something, I'm here for details" Jess shouted across the hall, I blushed of embarrassment and flipped her off.

I opened the door, I was the only one at the moment, except the teacher of course. "Hi Hanna, uhm, there should be one more student coming soon, so sit down" she pointed at a chair while still looking at her papers.

The door slung open and a guy walked in, fuck me, no, fuck him, Alex.
Then the motherfucker decided to sit next to me, I moved my chair away from him, not wanting to accidentally touch him or something.
"I'll be right back, I'm just going to bring a few papers from the office"
No, no, no, are you kidding me, fuuuck.

"Sooo, what did you do to get here?" Alex asked, I didn't want to answer, but neither did a like the awkward silence. "I smoked pot and got late"
He was a bit shocked, "wow the dyke smoking and being late in one day"
I took a deep breath and clenched my jaw and fists, not wanting to beat the shit out of him.

"You got a girl yet? I mean, I could probably fuck you straight, but u know?" I looked him dead in the eyes but before I could say something Ms Blanchett came back. "Okay so you, oh, did I ruin something?" She said with a grin. "No ew, please I'm gay"
I said that without really thinking, "Yeah, but I can make her straight though"

"I hardly believe that Alex" she said,
"I'm sorry, I was just kidding btw"
I gazed out the window so I could ignore Alex easier.
After around half an hour he left, I began to do that too, but I heard a voice, telling me to stay.

"Sorry Hanna, but you have 30 minutes left"

"What, why?" I asked with a bit more anger than intended.

"You weren't just late, remember? Smoking isn't something to do during school time"

"But, I- please can I just, leave"

"No" she walked up to me, putting her amazing hands on my desk, looking me in the eyes, all I could think of was to not look down, because I would see everything..

"Hanna, you're a smart girl, don't do stuff like that" she smiled patted me on the head. "Can't promise anything"
I stared down at my desk, I would start crying if I looked at her.
She the tilted my chin up so I would look at her. "Hanna, I'm sorry, but I demand to see your arms"

The new teacher, Ms Blanchett.. (femXfem)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz