Trailer 1: The Quirkless can't be heroes?!

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Tony Stark was dying after snapping with the Infinity Stones and finally ending the threat of Thanos for good. He was leaving the world in the hands of people he wanted to see thrive... Pepper, Rhodey, and Peter... finally Tony's soul left his body and started it's journey to the afterlife.

"So, you've finally arrived." A new voice said as Tony's soul found itself in an unfamiliar place. Tony looked around and saw another spirit that kind of looked like Nick Fury if he was white (like original comic book Nick Fury).

"Knock off Nick Fury much?" Tony quipped before the other spirit chuckled.

"Tony Stark, I am a cosmic being known as the Outsider, and you have one quest left before your soul can pass on to the afterlife." The spirit informed Tony. In the past, Tony wouldn't have taken this seriously, but over the years of being an Avenger, dealing with his successes and failures, Tony had matured quite a bit.

"What kind of mission?" Tony asked.

"In another world, super powers are known as quirks and they are very common. Only 20% of the world's population have no quirks, but this has caused a rise in both super powered crime and super powered heroics. The symbol of Iron Man has become important in your world... and I fully believe the symbol of Iron Man could mean something in this world too. I need you to find a good person to train to become this world's Iron Man." The Outsider informed him.

Takumi Sakai is a quirkless boy... who always wanted to be a hero. But there was no way any hero school would let a quirkless one into the hero course. Takumi thought of that as his martial arts teacher kicked him during a spar.
"Takumi, once again you are distracted." His martial arts teacher Kyo, told the boy. Takumi sighed.

"Yeah sorry... just thinking about my impossible dream again." Takumi replied. Kyo sighed, he wasn't sure what to say...

A few days after the semester at UA started, Takumi stumbled onto a villain attack and he was saved by Endeavor.
"Mr. Endeavor, sir... do you think a quirkless person could ever become a hero?" Takumi asked the number 2 hero curiously after the fight was over. Endeavor laughed at the notion.

"Is that your dream? Pathetic. Only those with the strongest of quirks can become heroes. If you want to try to become a hero as you are, you should give us, because a quirkless will NEVER become a hero." Endeavor told Takumi.

Days later:
Classes started at UA and Takumi was in the support corse with Mei Hatsume. As they worked on gadgets, Takumi was building a suit of armor to protect the wearer and enhance the quirk of anyone who uses it, or even defends a quirkless while the hero fights. While he worked on the armor one of the other students in the workshop was listening to an interview with Endeavor where the hero once again laughed at Takumi's dream as he mockingly spoke about the encounter. Meanwhile another student was hearing the news... and there was a hostage situation with no Pro Heroes in sight. Takumi put on the armor and ran out, but everyone was so into their work no one even noticed. The armor was as bulky as Tony Stark's Iron Man mk.1 but Takumi arrived at the scene.

"What the hell are you supposed to be?" The villain holding hostages asked before he was blasted by a prototype repulser and sent flying back. The villain soon got back up only for the bulky metal man to punch him in the gut and send him flying back.

"I'm not a fan of bullies." Takumi replied before he fired another repulser blast and the villain was knocked out. As he heard police sirens in the distance, Takumi flew away in the suit... but the suit was not build very well for flying so he ended up crash landing in front of UA.... however this did not go unnoticed by a certain spirit.

"I've made my choice." Tony said as he looked at Takumi.

Tony appeared to Takumi. "I am a Pro Hero from another world... and long story short, I need to train someone from this world to become a hero before I can pass on... I can teach you to become a hero even without a quirk, I can teach you to become Iron Man." Tony then showed Takumi some of his memories of his adventures as Iron Man, standing alongside the Avengers, and being a hero who always strived to do better. Takumi smiled.

Sometime later:
"A new vigilante has become the talk of the city... the mysterious Iron Man! No one seems to know anything about him, but it's clear he's on the our side." A news reporter said as footage played on the news of Iron Man lifting a train that had fallen out of it's tracks and flying it back to where it belonged. Then it showed Iron Man dealing with a hostage situation without harming any civilian before flying away.

"Very recently, Iron Man stopped a villain known as Whiplash from assassinating the principal of super hero school UA, and he has become quite popular amongst the people despite his status as a vigilante." The reporter said before Iron Man flew by to save people from a burning building.

Izuku Midoriya was writing notes on what Iron Man could be, as not much was known about him. Takumi accidentally walked into him as they were walking to lunch, or rather Takumi had been running.
"Oh, I'm sorry." Takumi told Midoriya.
"That's alright. I probably should have been watching where I was going instead of writing." Midoriya replied.

"I haven't seen you around. Who are you?" Midoriya's friend Ochako Uraraka asked.

"My name is Takumi Sakai from the support course. Who are you guys?" Takumi asked.

"Izuku Midoriya."
"Ochako Uraraka"
"Tenya Iida"

"One thing you always have to know about being Iron Man... is that your smarts are just as important as your suit. These things combined... that's how you win, not one or the other. No two halves can be completely separate." Tony told Takumi as he suited up and took off to the skies.

Iron Man blasted a villain before he saved a civilian from a thrown car.
"Who are you?" The civilian asked.

"I am Iron Man." Iron Man replied before he flew back into the fight.

"It's time for you to prove to the world

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"It's time for you to prove to the world... that with perseverance, the right resources, and maybe a little luck, that a quirkless guy can be a hero." Tony told Takumi.

"I'll show the world... any dream is possible if you never give up." Takumi replied.

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Iron Man: My Hero Academia Season 1Where stories live. Discover now