Couch times

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"Hey Craig" I said, opening the door. I walked in and saw him in the living room, playing Madden. "You alright?" he asked, with his eyes glued to the screen. It's so sweet how he always puts me first, but I feel selfish with it sometimes. "I'm fine. How are you?" I said walking towards him, and sitting on his lap. "I'm fine but Hazel, you need to realise why I tell you things." he told me, wrapping his arms around me with his controller still in his hands. He was clearly still focused on the game, but paying attention to me. "I do. Well try to" I say. I knew he was right but I just burst out with emotions and react.

"Then why did you go? and what was the reason you came back?" he said, moving his head a lot because of the game. "You told me to forget about Zia and I came back because I had a memory about us and I realised, I do over react and that you do it out of care." I admitted. "That's why you didn't tell me where you were going. I was worried sick. You were gone for 2 and a half hours, you left your phone here and no-one saw or heard from you. We can handle Zia together. I don't know why you like to hide it from me. You make it seem as if you're the only whose hurting about Zia and never care to ask me." he stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. He continued. "You need to control these memories and you realised I care for you that much, from a memory. You need to trust me as a your husband and understand everything I tell you, is for your own benefit."

Everything he said was completely right. These memories help but they make me forget about the present. I wanted alone time, I didn't need take my phone but I should of told him. "You never show your emotions." I say. "I haven't or you haven't dared to ask" he told me. "How are you coping with Zia leaving, Mr Craig?" I ask in a goofy voice but in a serious manner, pretending to be holding a microphone to his face. "Well I'm coping alright. You get slight aches in stomach, thinking you haven't done enough to win her back. Your heart can't bare the pain sometimes. Zia was a great kid and I know we will make great parents." he admits. Craig felt exactly like me, but we hardly spoke about it. I turned to face him, on his lap and we gave each other a tight hug. "It's great to know someone feels the same way" "Well we've both been through it."

Telling each other this, did make our bond stronger. A tear rolled down my cheek and then another. I'm so happy to have him. He looked at me. "Why is my queen crying?" he asked. "I really love you Craig and I can't imagine me not being without you." I said. "Neither can I" he added as he softly brushed his lips against mine. I smiled through the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. As the kiss got more intense, the butterflies got wilder. I love the reason of butterflies and the feeling is great because who you share with it but coping with it, is another story. (A/N I experienced how to cope with it with my friend. You know who you are. I hope you're smiling right now.)

Our lips were in sync as my ears got hotter. When I'm nervous or so into it. That happens. The heat was getting unbearable. I took off my jumper without breaking the kiss, leaving me in my cream bra. Though I was a milk chocolate skin tone, the colour looked great on me. "Damn" Craig said, through the kiss. His hands were still on my back from the hug, but he moved the to the middle and brought me closer. The heat was getting worse but I was too caught up in the moment. It was like our lips were glued and we slightly trying to break them away. I placed my hands on Craig's chest, still with us lip-locked and slowly pulled away. He bit my bottom lip, noticing me slowly backing away, which made us share a quick kiss again. I was breathing heavily and he was just staring at my chest. My ears were on fire but I still glued my body to him. Our noses were touching and we were both breathing heavily. My stomach was on fire and with me stuck to Craig, it was worse but I didn't want it to go. "I'm going to go get some iced tea." I said, getting off his lap and walking to the kitchen.

I came back to the living room, holding two cups of iced tea. I gave Craig his drink, my hand shaking. He looked at me weirdly. "Butterflies" I said. He smirked. "Should I make it worse." I shook my head quickly. He got my hand, and guided me to sit next to him. When the person you love isn't there, it's mild but when the person is actually there; The butterflies are eating away in your stomach. "I'll so have you on the couch, holding your wrists and me in between your legs." The butterflies kicked up a notch. Crud. I knew this was just the start. "Craig. Let's play Madden." I said, getting the controllers.

We were still on the couch, battling in the game. We were both focused on the game and beating each other. We nudged and distracted each other a couple of times. After many games, he beat me. I put my hands up. "Well done." I say, clapping. "Another match, tomorrow morning?" I add. "Oh we will already be on the couch" he said, smirking.


It felt quite weird writing that. So cute though. How's the new year going. I have school in two days, and I remembered to have woodwork homework, if it is homework. Back to the boring routine. Have a nice weekend.


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