Facing Unbearable Truth

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Her green eyes examined ours and she had a small smile forming. "I haven't seen you two in a while" she whispered "Er. Come in" she said, opening the door. I looked down at her hand seeing a box of Lucky Charms. "I seen you joined Team Marshmallow." I smiled. She smiled and giggled, "Only the cereal. I am never abdandoing Naruto." she replied.

I hadn't communicated with her, other than in court, for 3 years. I was threatened to stop speaking to her, 'it will make my emotions even worse and it will be for the best', I was told. She was now 16 and she looked beautiful. "So how is Dylan?" I smirked, remembering the days she will tell me and the last day she was able to. Her cheek became a tomato red and she hid behind a pillow. "We've been going out for a couple of weeks now" she spoke with her voice going higher obviously because of the thought of him.

I wanted to undergo torturing her with giving her thoughts about her boyfriend but I thought against it. Craig and I sat on one couch as she sat on another, cross legged. "How is school going along?" Craig asked. She shuffled in her seat, annoyed with the way she was sitting. "It's going great. I still have my piano lessons and after school clubs. I get good grades and blah blah blah." She said, fixing up her full fringe and bun.

"We brought your stuff in our house, we thought you might miss it" I said, breaking an awkward silence. Her face lit up, " OMG really?" She said eagerly with a smile plastered on her face. "I haven't seen them for..." She said, thinking of the years, "3 years..." She trailed off, sad of the time gap. "I'm glad you guys came, I sure have missed you." She said, making herself happy again. "You could even come back?" I said with hope. Though we all knew, we didn't act like this together before.


"I swear I should be a legendary cook!" I smiled at them as Zia got her rucksack for school and Craig did the same but with his briefcase. " I'm so exhausted so you guys better enjoy!" I said, with a tad threat. " Yeah mom, they look great." Zia examined it, giving it a 360 spin. "A tad bit over cooked but that is what French toast is suppose to look like." I said. "There is no other food so might as well." Craig said, getting a few to take to work. "Can I mix them with pop tarts?" Zia smiled, getting the box. I stood in front of the cabinet, "Or you can just eat French toast for breakfast." I forced.

"Zia just take them, it will make your mom happy" Craig winked, dragging Zia towards the front door. "Bye Hun." I said, as Craig kissed my cheek. "Bye mom!" Zia waved as they both walked towards Craig's range. "Have fun at work and school!" I waved back as they drove off.

I had no work today, so I was planning on baking all day. Mix it up a little. I was so tired because Zia and I forced Craig to watch My Sister's Keeper as we cried at many parts. It was a Sunday evening, so we decided to watch a movie. We used two boxes of tissues altogether including Craig but he said that his eyes water randomly. He suggested we watched a horror movie and they both agreed but they both know the consequences of me, screaming every second.

They came back home exhausted as they both plopped onto the couch. I stood in front of the tv, crossing my arms. "Mom what gives?!" Zia whined. "Oh I'm liking the view." Craig winked at me, as I was in a sports bra and shorts after coming back from jogging. "Oh oh nice try guys, how was your breakfast this morning?" I said, not giving the time to respond, "I didn't know you can eat breakfast with the food being in a bush and being eating by dogs." "The reasonable explanation is..." Craig said, scratching the back of his head. "We love you!" They smiled in unison.


I walked to the front porch, carrying the last box. "Oh please tell me, we spent the night making love yesterday." A rag doll said to my husband, sliding her hand across his cheek. "Oh please tell me, you know I'm his wife." I said, to the lady who was clearly drunk. She wore booty shorts and material covering her boobs. Even her daughter dresses more appropriate for her own age. It was Zia's mom, Chloe and her appearance sure was going down hill.

Zia stood in the background, holding back her toppling mom in embarrassment. "I apologise for her behaviour." Zia said, dragging her mom upstairs. "I would love to come back but she needs me" she said, remembering what I said before, looking at her mom, "I can't just leave her like this." She said as her mom started walking up the stairs. "Thanks Zelda" her mother thanked. "Haha that's her nickname for me." Zia blushed. "No it's not. I know what I called my own child!" Chloe shouted. Zia blushed again, smiling at us and giving us a big hug, "I love you mom and dad. I'll never forget you." She whispered as a tear trickled down her cheek and slowly closing the door.

We sat in silence, in the hotel lobby. I gushed out my tears as Craig sat holding his head in his hands. "Every time I think it's going good it takes the complete opposite route." Craig whispered. "I know how you feel and you don't think you can bear the pain, feeling that you hit a dead end." I said, adding on. Craig started sobbing but pushed his head back to the chair, to try hold it in but it wasn't working. "I was so happy thinking we had a chance. Finally get her back and be a family again. Make new memories and be happy. When I saw that the pregnancy test this morning, was negative. I shifted all my hope to this. I was upset with one thing but didn't want it to affect another thing that may have the same result. I can't bare it anymore Craig. I can't do it anymore." I said shaking as he hugged me tightly. He couldn't say everything was going to be alright because even he was struggling and wasn't even certain. He cradled me in his arms, swaying back and forth as we both cried and spoke to one another.


I have to say, that's quite sad. I had another ending but thought this one will be much better. The reason they held on but now they can't and its just crashing down. She had hope that she will be pregnant but that wasn't the case. He can't also bare it and he normally holds it all in. I'm on my iPad so I didn't know how to get into that mood at the start but I felt quite sad thinking about this chapter and also why the memory isn't in italic yet, but I will do it when I get the laptop. I tried making French toast this morning and it sure did backfire. Guess French toast making just isn't for me. :"(


Memories of the Loved (A Prodigy Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora