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A/N So we finally reach the end of Seb and Mia's story. I hope you've enjoyed it. I absolutely loved writing this one. Think it's my favourite out of the ones I've written so far. Now I've got to decide on my next project. Another Seb story? Or are you getting bored? Please let me know what you thought about this one. I'd really appreciate it so I know what I'm doing well or not so well. Also if you haven't read my other three Seb fanfics, why not give them a go? I have a 2 parter Out of the Blue/Into the Unknown and standalone After the Hate Has Gone. Anyway. On with the last chapter.

August 2023

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." Seb didn't need to be told twice. He leant forward and kissed his wife. At long last she was Mia Vettel.

Their friends and family watched on. There were two tearful mothers. There were also two tearful fathers but Norbert and Jim would deny it if asked about it.

Daniel had stood by Seb's side as best man. Mia turned and looked at her bridesmaids, Freya and Delilah. They grinned at her.

They had married in a specially erected marquee at Silverstone circuit, a place special to them both. Seb had proposed there last year after winning the British Grand Prix. He'd popped the question over team radio. It had been planned in advance so Otmar had made sure Mia had a pair of headphones on for Seb's slow down lap. She'd said yes immediately much to Seb's delight. The sound of his happy sobs went viral online in the following days.

Now thirteen months on they were finally husband and wife. They signed the register and then the five-time world champion escorted his wife out into the blazing sunshine.


Daniel stood up and tapped a teaspoon onto the rim of his champagne flute. It got everyone's attention instantly.

This was the bit Seb was dreading. Daniel's speech. God knows what he was going to say.

"Ladies and gentlemen, and Lando. I'd like to say thank you to you all for coming. I think you'll all agree that the bride looks absolutely stunning. Seb scrubs up OK too I guess." Everyone laughed. "Also thank you to Freya and Delilah, the beautiful bridesmaids. Thanks to everyone who helped organise this shindig. That's the thanks out of the way. Now for the fun bits."

Seb groaned. "Where shall I start? I've known Seb for a long time. We met back in our Red Bull Junior days. He wasn't always this hunk you see before you now. He was weedy and sported a lovely set of braces on his teeth. Oh and don't get me started on the spots. He was terrified of women too. We had to drag him to talk to girls didn't we Lewis and Nico?

That never changed until he fell in love at first sight with a mystery woman. There was I trying my best to find him a girlfriend. I set him up on some dates. And what does he go and do? He goes and steals my Press Officer!"

Another laugh. "Anyways, embarrassing stories. Yeah I have loads. He'd probably kill me if I told you some of them. Like the time he and Nico decided they were going skinny dipping in Monaco harbour back in 2009. Lewis and I stole their clothes and they had to sneak through the streets starkers."

Mia looked at Seb and laughed at his bright red face. "Good job the press never got wind of that one. Then there was Spa back when Seb and I were teammates back in 2014. Seb decided he was hungry. He really fancied ice cream. Bare in mind this was probably about ten o'clock at night. So we snuck out and went to this all night supermarket. Thing is as there had been a heatwave most of the ice cream had been sold. All there was left was this 2 litre tub of chocolate ice cream. Now Seb had wanted vanilla. But he decided chocolate was better than nothing. He knew he couldn't take it back to the hotel. If Antti had seen the evidence he'd have gone mad."

Antti gave Daniel a thumbs up. "So Seb bought some spoons. We sat outside in a park, nearly eleven pm by this time and we ate the whole lot.

By we, I mean 25% me, 75% Seb. I swear he'd turned green by the time we got back to the hotel. He spent all night throwing up, then told Antti it must have been the meal he'd prepared. I don't think he's touched chocolate ice cream since.

Now, what can I say about Seb and Mia as a couple? They took their time to get their act together. I thought I'd have to kidnap them both and lock them in a room. It took Seb a while to find out who she was. He had seen her and fallen hard. From what I hear they had a few close encounters but we won't mention Portimao."

Both the bride and groom went red. "They had their ups, and they had their downs but I think you will all agree that these two were meant to be together. They are two of the most genuine, nicest people you could ever meet. And I'm so happy they found each other. So please could you raise your glasses and join me in a toast to the bride and groom."

"To the bride and groom," everyone echoed.

"Oh and one more thing. I've been speaking to the lovely Freya and it's amazing what girls tell each other. Seb, I hear that there's one thing that really bugs you about staying over at Mia's parents house."

Seb put his face in his hands. "So with the help of Freya and the father of the bride we've brought it up here to share your day. Jim, bring him out." 

Jim walked onto the dancefloor carrying the life size cardboard cutout of Jenson Button. The guests all cracked up as Seb groaned.

"That bloody thing," he cursed. Daniel slapped him on the back.

"Congratulations buddy. I mean that. Now without further ado....let's party!"


The evening was coming to a close. Seb came up behind Mia, wrapping his arms around her. He placed his hands on her stomach, stroking her as yet unnoticeable bump. They'd found out the happy news three weeks earlier. They'd been shocked but over the moon to learn they were going to have a baby. It was due around March time next year.

Upon learning the news Seb had decided to retire from Formula 1 at the end of this season. He looked on course to retain the title he had won last season and become a six time champion of the world. Mia turned in his arms and kissed him deeply. Finally they broke apart, slightly breathless.

"I have an idea," said Seb, grinning from ear to ear.

"What is it?" asked Mia.

"Well you know since Daniel split with Izzy he seems lonely? Nico has Frankie, I have you and now Lewis has Alicia."

"Yes, he does seem lonely," Mia agreed.

"I think that maybe we could help him out, like he helped us."

"I like your way of thinking Herr Vettel."

"Don't you think Daniel and Freya would make a great couple?"

"Actually I do! Shall we?"

"Yes. Let's do it. Project Girlfriend is alive and kicking!"

Seb and Mia swayed in each others arms to the music. They were the only ones on the dancefloor. The only ones that existed to each other.

"I love you Seb," Mia said.

"Ich liebe dich meine Prinzessin. Du bist mein und ich bin dein. Für immer."


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