41: Gone

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Seb jumped out of his car and ran to his front door, letting himself in.  Mia's car wasn't on the drive but she could have gone to the shops or something. It didn't have to mean she was gone. 

He ran around the house, trying to find any sign that she was still there. Reaching their bedroom he pulled the drawers open, opened the wardrobe, checked the ensuite for her toiletries. But her stuff wasn't there. 

He pulled out his phone and tried calling again. Voicemail.  He sunk down to the floor, pulling his knees up to his chin. His last bit of hope was extinguished. She really had gone.


Ruthie Marlow was worried. Mia had turned up on their doorstep last Thursday morning. She had fallen into her mother's arms sobbing. Of course Ruthie and Jim had seen the pictures of Mia and Daniel, they'd also seen the joint statement that explained the photos were from before Mia and Seb's relationship, and that Seb already knew about it. They couldn't understand why their daughter was sobbing in her mother's arms when she should have been in Brazil with the man she loved. 

Finally, Mia calmed down for long enough to tell them that it was over between her and Seb.

"I don't understand Mia. If it was in the past, and he knew then why have you split up? You two seemed perfect for each other."

"Mum, I really don't want to talk about it at the moment.  Please can I just stay here for a while? Just until I can find a job and my own place?"

"You can stay here for as long as you like darling.  This will always be your home," Jim said.

"Thanks Dad. I'm going to go to my room for a bit if that's OK?"

It was now Tuesday and that's where Mia still was. She only left to use the bathroom. She only picked at the meals that Ruthie took up to her three times a day. Even her sister couldn't get through to her. Freya had been around every day. She'd sat talking to Mia, but Mia just lay facing the wall.

Freya arrived Tuesday evening to see Mia yet again. She hugged her parents.

"Any change?" she asked. Jim sadly shook his head.  Freya headed up the stairs. She was seriously worried about Mia. She had lost so much weight already. She went into Mia's room and as expected found Mia facing the wall.

"OK, Mia. Enough is enough. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You're worrying mum and dad sick. You're worrying me sick. Stop this. You need to talk. You need to eat. Whatever this racing guy has done, you can rise above it. You are strong. We are both like mum. We have the Norris blood in our veins. Pull yourself together. No man is worth this."

Freya knew she was being harsh but being kind had got her nowhere. She was being cruel to be kind. Still Mia faced that damn wall. Freya sighed in frustration and turned on her heel to leave.

"Freya, don't go, please don't go."  Freya turned around and saw her sister facing her. The tears were streaming down her face. She sat down on the bed and took her sister into her arms.

"Let it out girl. I'm here."  Mia sobbed until she could sob no more. Finally she pulled away. "Are you ready to talk about it?"

Mia nodded.

"Can we go downstairs? I only want to go through this once."  They headed downstairs. Their parents were surprised to see both daughters enter the lounge.  Jim patted the couch and Mia snuggled up next her dad. Freya sat in the armchair.

"I guess it's time to tell you the full story. But first for you to understand why I feel like I do you need to hear something you might find hard. About Andy."

"Mia, honey. We know. We've known since you split. Lando told us."  Mia was speechless. Jim hugged her tightly.

"So, as you know that I guess I'd better continue. It was Andy that leaked the photos. He's got his comeuppance though.  Andreas sacked him. And I may have punched him in the face." Ruthie stifled a laugh. "Anyway, Seb was very hurt by the photos, even though we weren't together when they were taken. He was hurt because Daniel knew Seb liked me. And he was hurt because we never told him. For the record I pulled away from Dan and made it clear I liked Seb. So when we were trying to sort things out Seb said some very hurtful things to me. He accused me of sleeping with Dan all along. Now these were the sort of things that Andy used to say to me. I went through hell with him. I can't do that again. I'm worth more than that. So I walked away. I flew home, collected my stuff and came here. I haven't spoken to him since I told him we were over. My phone has been off ever since. I don't want to see him. I want to forget he exists. Because if I see him my heart will break all over again. I need to forget him. I need to move on. "

"Sis, from what I've heard from mum and dad, and from Lando too, that man loves you. Do you really want to give up on a love like that? At the end of the day only you know what's best for you but don't write him off. Surely he deserves a chance to make things right."

"I can't Freya, I just can't. I don't want to lose myself again like I did when I was with Andy. Besides, he may not even want me anymore."

"I'm sure that's not true baby. That man loves you."

"I need time Mum. I really need time. I can't be around him at the moment."

"That's your decision.  We will stand by you whatever you decide but you have got to start taking care of yourself better. You need to eat," Jim said. Mia nodded.

"I am feeling quite hungry. Any chance of a takeaway?"  she asked cheekily.

"Indian, Chinese or pizza?" Jim asked.

"Chinese please daddy."

"You've got it kiddo." He hugged his daughter tightly again. He knew she would be ok. She was a tough nut like her mother. Whether she would give Seb another chance was anyone's guess but she would get through it.


Seb arrived in the bar to meet Daniel, Lewis and Nico. They had arrived in Australia the day before. He was the last to arrive. Daniel had a pint of beer waiting for him.

"Cheers Daniel."

"So, was she there?"  Daniel asked the question that they all wanted an answer to.  He shook his head sadly.

"I'm sorry mate," Nico said.

"Don't give up Seb. She'll come around. Do you want me to ask Lando about her?"

"No. I have to accept she wants space. I'll give her it for now. But once the season is over I'm going to find her and win her back," he said, fiercely.

"Anything I can do let me know." said Daniel.

"Stop me from going off the rails," Seb laughed.

"We've got you Seb." Seb sipped his beer. He hadn't had a plan until it came out of his mouth but he knew that was what he was going to do. He was going to find his girl and he was going to leave her in no doubt of his love. He was going to win her back if it was the last thing he did.

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