20: Enough

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A/n trigger warning. Scenes of domestic abuse.

Baku had been nothing short of a disaster for Seb. He and Daniel had crashed into each other on the first lap. Both had limped back to the pits. Daniel had been forced to retire his car.  Seb had managed to rejoin the race after getting a new front wing but ended up limping home in 14th place. Daniel had been awarded a grid penalty for the next race after the stewards had decided he had been to blame for the incident. Daniel had disagreed and had publicly slated Seb.

Seb just wanted to forget Baku and move on to the next one. Nico and Lewis had invited him out for a drink that evening. He'd learnt that Daniel wasn't going so he agreed. He really needed a drink after the weekend he'd had. They ended up in some club that Nico had found on Google.  Seb knew he wasn't very good company for his friends. He was still pissed about the whole weekend. And he was still pissed about Mia. He really was trying to understand her logic but it was frustrating knowing she was still with that dickhead. Why? Seb knew he could give her some much more. Not possessions, but love, respect, affection. The group at the next table were a rowdy bunch. Nico commented on them.

"Think they've all had one too many,"he laughed.

"Oh, not surprised. It's McLaren. Celebrating Lando's podium by the look of it."  Seb glanced over and was surprised to see Mia sat on the far side of the group. She hadn't noticed him. She didn't look like she was enjoying herself.     He recognised the blonde man sat next to her as the man he had seen her kissing before. Andy the prick.

Andy looked over and made eye contact with Seb. The twat gave him a smug grin. He then proceeded to drape his arm around Mia. He started kissing her neck. Seb felt his blood boil. He knew this little show was being put on for his benefit. Andy's way of marking his territory. He just wanted to go over there, yank the twat off of her and steal her away. He had to look away as Andy claimed her mouth in a kiss. Lewis had noticed Seb's mood deteriorate.

"Man, you OK?" he asked. Seb shook his head.

"I wanna knock his head off his shoulders!"

"Who? Not Daniel I hope? You know you two will make up eventually.  You have too many years of friendship. Don't throw it away Seb." Seb grimaced.

"Not everything is about Daniel Ricciardo Lewis." Lewis held his hands up.

"Just trying to help. If it's not him, who?"

"Mia's dickhead boyfriend. Look at him. He's all over her. He's doing it to goad me." 

"Seb mate, you have to accept that she is his girlfriend. I know you like her but she's taken."

"You don't know everything Lewis. He hurts her. She's too scared to leave him. She doesn't want him. She does want me. But he has her so scared. He knows what happened between her and me in Portimao. He's threatening to go to the press."

"Fucking dickhead," Lewis said.

"Yeah," said Seb, slouching in his chair.

"Your round Vettel," declared Nico, returning from the toilets. Seb nodded and headed for the bar. He was stood at the bar waiting to be noticed when he sensed someone stand next to him.

"She'll always be mine you know. You may have fucked her but you'll never have her. She faked it with you. She told me you were shit."

"Not the impression I got."

"Make no mistake Vettel, I'm the one who's going to be fucking her tonight.  And every night. So forget any ideas you have about her. You had your one night. You're history. She only fucked you because we had a row. You mean nothing to her. Less than nothing."

"Excuse me if I think you're talking crap, you piece of shit. At least I don't have to bully a woman into staying with me. I respect what Mia wants. If she wants you I will have to accept that but I'm warning you. If you ever harm a hair on her head again I will fucking kill you.  Make no mistake." 

Andy smirked.

"You'll do fuck all Vettel. The media would hang you out to dry and you would wave goodbye to your career.  She's mine. I will do what I want to her. Tonight, I think I'm going to fuck her. I'll make her scream my name. Have a good night," he said, as he turned and returned to the McLaren table.

Seb clenched his fist. It took all of his self control to stop himself from taking that prick outside and teaching him a lesson.

"Can I help you Sir?" asked the barman.

"Vodka shots please. Six of them. Actually make it nine."


Andy and Mia arrived back in their room. Andy was drunk again. Mia was glad in a way as when he had been drinking heavily he couldn't perform in bed. But it also brought out an even nastier side of him.

"Spoke to your boyfriend earlier,"he slurred. "Told him how I was going to fuck you tonight." Mia froze. She had a bad feeling about this.  "I also told him  that you faked it with him. He won't want you again whore."

"Andy calm down.  I'm with you, not him."

"I haven't forgotten what you did Mia. You would fuck him again in an instant, wouldn't you?"

"No Andy. Whatever it was is over."

"Fucking lying bitch."  He grabbed her hair and yanked her head back.  His other hand covered her mouth,  stifling her cries. He brought his knee up. She doubled over as it connected with her stomach. He let her drop to the floor.

"You're pathetic Mia, pathetic. You should think yourself lucky that I even bother with you. She lay sobbing.  "You can sleep there tonight.  I don't want you near me." He kicked her in the back before walking off and climbing into bed. He turned the light off and before long he was snoring.

Mia sobbed and sobbed. He had never gone this far before. She had to get away before he ended up killing her. She forced herself to her feet, the pain in her back causing her to whimper as she stood. She picked up her handbag which contained her purse and her phone. She crept across the room and let herself out into the corridor. She rode the elevator down to the ground floor.

Once she was safe in the lobby she pulled her phone out. She struggled to unlock it as her hands were shaking so much. Who should she call? Not Seb. He would kill Andy. Lando had been far too drunk. So she rang the other person she knew she could trust.

"Hello?" came the sleepy voice. "Mia? Are you ok?"  She burst into tears.

"Daniel help me. Please help me!"

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