40: The Truth Will Out

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Seb's head was a mess. He tried and tried with no success to get in touch with Mia. Everytime he rang he was sent straight to voicemail. He'd messed up. He was still mad as hell with her and Daniel but he should never have accused her of fucking the Australian.  He  felt broken. She had quickly become his everything and he didn't know how to do this without her. He felt empty. He loved her so much. 

He'd managed to get back into their hotel room after asking at reception for the spare key. He lay on the bed and breathed in her scent off of the pillows. The last time he had been in this room he'd been buried deep inside her. Now he was alone. She was gone and she wasn't coming back.

His phone rang. He grabbed it, hoping it was her. But it was just Britta.

"Yes Britta?"

"Where are you?"

"Back in my room."

"Thank God. Are you and Mia sorted?"

"She's gone. She left me Britta."

"No Seb, surely not." He laughed bitterly.

"Yeah. Esteban saw her leave with her case. I'm officially dumped."

"Seb, I'm so sorry. Maybe after she's had time to think..."

"Britta it's over. I have to accept it. "  Seb just felt defeated. He'd lost all the fight in him.

"Seb, we still need to deal with the press. There's been a development. Please can I come around? I need to speak to you in person."

"Can't it wait? I just want to be on my own. "

"Not really. The sooner this is dealt with the better. "

"OK," he agreed, begrudgingly.    Ten minutes later the door knocked. He answered it. He nearly slammed the door when he saw Britta had Daniel with her.

"Seb, please," she begged. "Please just give him five minutes. Then he will go." Seb glared.

"Fine," he conceded. They followed him back into the room.

"Five minutes Ricciardo."

"First of all Seb I want to apologise to you.  It was all my fault. It was after the British Grand Prix . I was drunk, really drunk. I was dumb. I kissed her. She pulled back, she rejected me because she wanted you. That's the truth. She did nothing wrong. The pictures were misleading. We didn't tell you because we just didn't want to upset you. Maybe we were  wrong but at that point in time we thought we were doing what was best. We both just wanted to forget all about it. We had no idea that we had been seen."

"Obviously," Seb said, sarcastically.

"It was Andy Seb. He was behind it all. After I followed Mia out of Antti's room earlier we bumped into him. He was so proud of what he'd done. It was all I could do to stop myself from killing him. He spouted some really vile shit at Mia. I'd never seen her that mad Seb. You'd have been proud of her. She smacked him right in the mouth, split his lip good and proper.  She was like a little hellcat.  I had to drag her off of him."  That brought a smile to Seb's face.

"That's my girl. " Then his face fell. "Well, was my girl. She's gone Daniel. She's left me."

"Britta said. She loves you Seb, she just needs time and space. But that's not everything. Andreas turned up. Andy tried labelling Mia as a psycho. She stormed off. Then I told Andreas exactly what Andy is. He tried to deny it but Andreas saw through him. He sacked him Seb. On the spot,  and he's being put straight back on a flight to the UK. He's gone."

Seb sighed with relief. At least he wouldn't have to see that bastard's gloating face. "Seb, come on. Please. I don't want to lose you man. You're my best friend. I was dumb. I wa selfish but I will never ever stop to trying to make it up to you. And to Mia, if she ever talks to me again."  Seb turned to look out of the window.

"I've lost her Dan. Not because of you, because of me. I became the man she couldn't be with."

"That's not you Seb. When she calms down she will realise that."

"I don't deserve her. As for you, you knew how much I liked her. You betrayed me." Dan hung his head.

"Fair enough," he said, turning to go.

" Daniel. I hate what you did but I don't want to lose you too. I need you man. I forgive you." They both turned to face each other. Both had tears in their eyes. They grabbed each other in a hug. Then Seb broke down and started sobbing. Britta quietly snuck out of the door. The official statement could wait a little bit longer. She left Seb and Daniel alone.


The rest of the race week just dragged. Seb's mood reflected in his performances on track. He hadn't even made it into Q3. He started in 12th and that is where he finished.

After the debrief he had headed straight back to the hotel where he headed straight for the minibar. He had already had several drinks when there was a knock on the door. He opened it to find Daniel, Nico and Lewis stood there. They didn't wait to be invited in. They filed past him and made themselves at home.

"Why don't you come on in," he said , sarcastically.

"Thought you might like some company getting drunk. We all had a shit day," said Lewis.

"Lewis, your version of a shit day is finishing fourth." Lewis nodded.

"OK, maybe mine wasn't as shit as yours. But Dan didn't finish and Nico was 15th. So in theory you had the second best day out of us." Seb had to laugh.

"We brought more booze," added Nico. Seb shrugged and downed another miniature vodka.  To be honest, he was glad of their company.

"What would you guys do?" Seb asked them a bit later on. "Do I chase after her or let her go?"

"I think you need to give her time Seb," said Daniel.
"If you go after her now before she's had time to reflect you could end up in another argument and make things so bad that you won't be able to fix it."

"I agree with Daniel," said Lewis. "I know you're hurting mate. But it's nearly the end of the season. Once that's out of the way you can really work at winning her back."

"Why wait? You need to show her that you love her," said Nico. "If it was me I'd be straight there tomorrow begging her for  forgiveness. " 

"I guess you have to do what is best for you Seb," said Daniel. "Remember, whatever, you have us."

"I'm going home tomorrow. If she's still there I'm going to fight for her. If she's not then I don't know what my next move will be."

"Fingers crossed for you mate," said Nico.

"Good luck," added Lewis.  Daniel just took a swig out of his beer.  He knew there was no chance in hell that Mia would be there, and he knew Seb knew that too.

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