38: Betrayed

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"Now Mia, please try not to worry. He's gone to Antti's room. He's just seen something that's upset him and he needs a little bit of space right now. I'm sure he'll be back once he's had a chance to process things and calm down."  Mia started to look agitated.

"What are you talking about Britta?  What do you mean, space? What's wrong?"

"There's photographs appeared online. Photographs of you and Daniel kissing." Mia felt sick. No, how could this have happened? Surely Seb must know she would never cheat on him. They weren't together when Daniel kissed her. And she didn't even kiss Daniel back!

She bunched the bed sheet up around her and jumped out of bed, heading to her suitcase.

"Mia, what are you doing?"

"Putting  some damn clothes on and going  to find my boyfriend to put him straight. The only time Daniel ever kissed me was before I was even with Seb. And I certainly didn't kiss him back. Someone is setting us up for a fall here. Does Daniel know?"

"He's the one who told me. He's been trying to get hold of you and Seb but you both had your phones off."

"OK, so we need to decide how to address this with the press. Sorry Britta, that's your job. That's the press officer in me coming out."

"Mia, you need to calm down. Sit!"  Mia sat.

"Breathe. Now stay calm. I need to get Seb's things."
"What? He's leaving?" Mia couldn't believe this was happening.  Didn't Seb even want to hear her side of things?

"I'm sure he will be back when he's had a chance to calm down and think rationally.  He's hurt Mia."

"Britta, I love that man. Surely he must know that. I need to talk to him."

"Mia, he doesn't want to see you. He made that very clear to me. Now, you have my sympathy but I have to look after his interests. That is my job. You need to respect him in this. It's the least you can do. I will try and talk to him. Meanwhile, the best thing you can do is stay here. Order from room service. Do not go out. The press will be watching for you." Mia started to feel angry.

"I really can't believe this. Go on, take his stuff. If he's so quick to judge without the facts then he needn't bother coming back."

"Mia, you don't mean that. You're just angry. Concentrate your anger upon whoever did this, not on Seb. He's innocent here."

"Just go Britta. I want to be alone."   She stomped off into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She stayed there until she heard the bedroom door close as Britta left, taking Seb's belongings with her. 


Antti opened his door and let Britta in. She pulled Seb's case in after her.

"I couldn't manage it all, I'll go back later. I'm afraid I'm not very popular with Mia right now."  Seb was sat on the edge of the bed. Antti had leant him a tshirt.

"What did she have to say for herself?" he asked.

"She's pissed. Very pissed. She wanted to come and find you. I explained you didn't want to see her."


"She said you needn't bother coming back. I'm sure she didn't mean that Seb."

"At this precise moment in time I don't give a fuck Britta."  Britta knew that he didn't mean it, he was just hurting.

"We need to talk about what we are going  to tell the press. They will want a statement. Best to give them one or they will print what they like.  You are going to have to listen to Mia and Daniel's side of things."

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