30: Date #3 - Mia

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Daniel was waiting for Mia in the lobby. He was driving her to the date he and Britta had arranged for her and Seb. He said it would look less suspicious than her and Seb leaving together. Seb was making his own way there.

"Mia, you look beautiful," Daniel told her. "Seb is a very lucky man." Mia smiled shyly. She was wearing a lilac halter neck midi dress and glittery heeled sandals. She'd left her hair hanging loose.

"Thank you so much for doing this for us Daniel

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"Thank you so much for doing this for us Daniel. It means a lot to me."

"It's my way of showing you both that I really am happy for you. You're both amazing people and you belong together."

Michael was waiting outside with Daniel's McLaren GT. He handed him the keys and headed inside. Daniel opened the passenger door for Mia. Once they were on the road Daniel cranked up the music. He put his shades on and started moving his head to the beat.

"How far is it?" Mia shouted to be heard above the music.

"About 30 minutes," he replied. In the end it took just 25. Daniel pulled up outside a fancy looking old building overlooking a beautiful lake. The gravel crunched underneath the wheels.

"Daniel, this is amazing. What is this place?" He grinned.

"This my dear Mia is one of the finest restaurants in the region. And I, well Britta, managed to reserve the whole place for you and Seb for the next two hours." He laughed at her facial expression.

"Oh my God! How did you manage that? They must have had no end of bookings." He winked at her and tapped the side of his nose.

"That's for me to know and you to never find out. Now Cinderella, go and find your Prince. His car's here already. He'll be waiting for you." He got out of the car and headed around to help her out. "I'll walk you over." The manager greeted them. Daniel said something in Italian. The only words Mia understood was her name and grazie.

"I'll see you later Mia. Give me a call if you want a lift, you know if you don't want to risk being seen. Enjoy yourself sweetheart. You deserve it." The manager turned his attention to her.

"This way Miss Marlow," he said in a strong Italian accent. She followed him through the dining room and out onto the veranda overlooking the lake. She saw Seb sitting at a table. He stood as he saw her approaching. He looked so handsome dressed in a charcoal suit, white shirt open at the collar.
He'd also styled his hair with gel. He greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, then proceeded to pull her chair out for her.

"Mia, I have no words. You look absolutely amazing." She blushed and sat down.

"Thank you. You look rather amazing yourself. " He smiled at her.

"Wine?" he asked her.

"Please, sweet white." Seb turned and spoke to the hovering waiter in perfect Italian.

"Sì, naturalmente Signor Vettel." He disappeared inside.

"The years at Ferrari came in handy," he said, grinning. Mia had a look at the menu.

"There are no prices and I don't understand half of it," she panicked. Seb laid his hand over the top of hers.

"Don't worry about the cost meine Prinzessin. That doesn't matter. I can translate for you." He began reading through, telling her what each dish was. She decided to skip a starter as nothing really took her fancy and she wanted to leave room for dessert anyway.

The waiter came back with a bottle of wine and a glass for her, and a jug of iced water for Seb. Seb spoke to him in Italian once again and gave their orders.

"It's beautiful here. Daniel and Britta are amazing."

"Not as beautiful as you are. Sounds cheesy, but it's true."

"It feels like I'm dreaming and in a minute I'm going to wake up in my bed back in Woking."

"It's all real Prinzessin. Mia, there's something I want to ask you. You can say no, I understand if it's too soon. I just don't want to be without you if I don't have to. Would you consider moving in with me? In my UK house of course. I mean, keep your flat for when you have to go to the MTC, but stay with me the rest of the time. You don't have to answer me now. "

She looked at him in disbelief. She hadn't expected that. They'd only been dating for a month. However she didn't even have to think about it.

"Seb, I would love to. I can think of nothing I'd like more than waking up with you every day." He took her hand in his.

"I love you so much. I can't wait until I can show everyone that you are mine and I am yours. It kills me to have to act as if we are strangers. "

"It won't be forever my love. We just have to be patient," she reassured him.

"I hope you don't mind, but I told my parents about us. They are over the moon. They can't wait to meet you. I was thinking maybe after the last race of the season we could fly to Germany and spend some time there."

"Of course. I'm yet to tell my parents. They know I'm seeing someone from Aston Martin but they have no idea it's you. When mum finds out she's going to be pestering you to get Kimi's autograph for her." Seb laughed.

"I can do that for her. It's not a problem." They talked some more about their families and before they knew it the waiter was bringing their meals out. They both thanked him and began eating.


The food had been amazing. Almost as amazing as the company, Seb thought. He was so lucky he had found Mia. After Karin he thought he'd never love again. Truth be told he felt more for Mia than he ever had for Karin. She had quickly become his world and he didn't know what he would do without her.

"Did you want to call Daniel or shall I drop you around the corner from the hotel?" he asked her. She thought about it for a minute.

"No need to drag him out again. I'll be fine walking from around the corner." Seb settled the bill, adding a large tip. He took Mia's hand in his and they walked across the car park to the white Aston Martin Vantage that was Seb's for the weekend. He opened the door for her. She got in and fastened her belt. He walked briskly around the car and slid in behind the steering wheel. He belted up and started the engine. He reversed out of the space and they were soon on their way back to their hotel. Mia began to feel a little sleepy a few minutes into the drive. The next thing she knew Seb was shaking her awake.

"Prinzessin, we are just around the corner." She opened her eyes and gave a little laugh.

"Sorry, I think the wine is taking affect," she apologised.

"It's OK baby. You sure you're going to be OK walking back?"

"It's only a few minutes walk."

"Come to my room when you get back? I want to take that dress off of you," he said, desire burning in his eyes.

"Try keeping me away." She leant over and kissed him passionately.

"I love you Herr Vettel." She opened the door and climbed out. Seb pulled off and soon disappeared out of sight. She smiled to herself as she walked back to the hotel. She was so lucky. Seb was amazing and she was going to be moving in with him! She just wished that she didn't have to worry about what would happen when their teams found out. Because she knew they would eventually. That was certain. Oh well, she thought to herself. They'd cross that bridge when they came to it.

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