36: Back with a Vengeance

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Seb was fighting fit and raring to go in Mexico. Stoffel Vandoorne had filled in for him in Austin and had finished a very respectable 8th. Seb had found it bizarre watching from the garage. Not a feeling he was keen to repeat in a hurry. 

Mia had been highly amused by his running commentary on the race. He'd had a headache for a few days but it had disappeared by the time they had landed in Mexico. They headed to the track for media day. Everyone they passed asked Seb how he was, even Zak Brown. He'd answered Zak politely but muttered "Twat," under his breath as he'd carried on his way. Seb couldn't wait to get back into the car tomorrow.  He had a good feeling about this weekend.


Seb had been right about the weekend so far. He'd been top 5 in all the practice sessions. Then he'd qualified in third place  behind Lewis and Max.  His confidence was as high as it had been for a number of years. He believed a podium was a very real possibility.  Now it was race day and he was ready to take the car out to the grid. He hugged Mia and kissed her tenderly.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine," he reassured her, just like he had before every session this weekend.

"Be safe. I love you."

"Ich liebe dich auch meine Prinzessin." He pulled away, reluctantly. Showtime!


Seb had managed to jump Lewis at the start. Verstappen was just too quick for him though. He knew he needed Max to either have an issue or make a mistake. Second was good though. It would equal his best finish with Aston Martin so far.

Then, with fifteen laps to go Nicholas Latifi and Mick Schumacher had a collision. Both drivers got out of their cars unharmed but it brought out the safety car. This meant Max's 14 second lead evaporated.

"Do what he does Seb," his race engineer said to him. "If he boxes, box too. If he stays out, you stay out. We are ready for you if you come in."  Max didn't box. The safety car stayed out for four laps.   He backed the pack up approaching the line then all of a sudden he went for it. Seb was ready for it. He went with him. Seb knew he could get him. His tyres were fresher. He stayed in DRS range, attempting, and failing for 3 consecutive laps to pass the young Dutchman. Then on the fourth attempt he succeeded. He just had to keep his head, not lose the lead and this race was his. 

Finally, he started his last lap. Time seemed to stand still as he took corner after corner. Then it was the chequered flag.

"Woooooohooooo," he screamed down the radio. The screams of his crew echoed in his ears. "Thank you guys. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. It's been a slow start but we are building something for the future. Something great.  This is another step on that journey. Thank you, thank you. I love you all. And Mia, I love you baby!" 

He pulled into park ferme. Turning the engine off he choked back a sob. They'd said he would never win again, that he was finished. He'd shown them. He stood on top his car. He raised his victory finger aloft. He was back.


Seb and Mia swayed in each others arms to the music. They'd both had far too much to drink. The DJ had slowed things down and they were taking advantage of the romantic atmosphere.  Antti sat watching them, grinning. They were both going to have a sore head in the morning. Lewis slipped into the seat next to Antti.

"They just fit so perfectly together, don't they?"Lewis said.

"They really do. I've never seen him this happy. He wasn't this happy with Karin. She was so self centred. She'd have never sacrificed her job for him like Mia did."

"Definitely not. They both deserve to be happy. Anyways, want another drink? My round."

"Sure champ. Vodka and tonic please." Lewis drifted off to the bar.


Daniel watched Mia and Seb. He knew he'd always have some kind of feelings for her but he knew that she belonged with Seb. And he was in a good place with Izzy right now. He didn't know if it was love but what they did have was amazing. He watched as Seb claimed Mia's lips in a gentle kiss.

The old Seb would never have made a public display of affection like that. Mia had changed him for the better in Daniel's opinion.


Lando and Delilah swayed along with the music. Lando was drunk and was being all lovey dovey. Delilah didn't mind. She loved the little idiot. Even if he could be a complete wally sometimes.


Nico snuggled up with Frankie in a private booth. It was only three months until their wedding. He couldn't wait to make her his wife. He'd been a bit of a playboy until he'd met her. He'd had to work hard to win her over but he'd done it. Now he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with her.


Seb and Mia gazed into each other's eyes. Everyone else had ceased to exist. They were in their own little world.

"I love you," Seb said, close to her ear

"I love you too." He held her tight, never wanting to let her go.


Andy stood at the bar watching the nauseating scene on the dancefloor. She was meant to be his, not that twat driver's. He knew he had fucked up. He hadn't treated her the way she deserved. He just couldn't stand seeing her with Vettel. He wanted her back. He knew there was no chance of that so the next best thing was to make sure Vettel didn't have her either.

He looked at his phone. He knew exactly what he was going to do. He scrolled through until he found the email address he wanted. He logged into a fake email account he had created and tapped out a short introduction.

Hi, thought you might like these pictures. Big scoop for you.  I don't want anything in return. Just thought Seb should know what kind of woman he's involved with.

He then attached the photos he'd taken at Silverstone. The photos of Daniel and Mia kissing.

He hesitated for a moment, then hit send.

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