42: Finding You

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Seb crossed the line in third place. A podium in the final race of the season. Job done. Tomorrow he would fly out of here and back to the UK. He was going to find his girl and win her back. He had no idea where she was but he knew where to start. He was going to drive down to her parents' house. He didn't know what he was going to do if they wouldn't help him but he was confident he could convince them of his love for their daughter.

Media duties and the debrief seemed to take forever. All he wanted was to get back to the hotel and pack his stuff ready. His flight was early and he would have to leave the hotel before seven. He said his goodbyes to the team, wishing them a merry Christmas and told them that he would see them back at the factory towards the end of January.  He and Antti jumped into the Aston Martin Vantage that was Seb's for the weekend. 

As soon as he got into his room he started packing. He was so eager to get out of there. He needed to find Mia. He missed her so much. He hoped that she missed him too.  He didn't know what he would do if he couldn't get her back. He couldn't even think of failing. He wasn't going to give up. She would be his again.


Two days later Seb made the journey down to Mia's parents house. He parked up outside. He couldn't see Mia's car anywhere.  Her dad's Honda was on the drive. He climbed out of the car and went to knock on the door.  He heard Barney bark. The door opened and he came face to face with Jim Marlow.

"I wondered how long it would be until you turned up on our doorstep. I must admit, I expected you sooner."

"Is she here Mr Marlow? Please I need to see her."

"I thought I told you to call me Jim. You may not be with my daughter any more but I'm still Jim OK?" Seb nodded.

"Please Jim.  Is she here?"

"Yes and no. She isn't in right now.  She's out Christmas shopping with Ruthie and Freya. She'll be a couple of hours yet. But yes, she's been staying here since Brazil. What are you playing at Seb? Why have you left it so long?" Seb sighed.

"I wanted to come. Believe me I did. I thought maybe if I gave her space. Time for her to know what she wanted.   I hurt her pretty bad . All I want is a chance to prove to her that I'm not like him. I made a mistake. A mistake I will spend my life regretting. Do I  stand a chance Jim? Does she still love me? I love her so damn much. "

"Son, I'm sorry. I truly don't know. Mia keeps her feelings to herself. She shut herself away for nearly a week when she first got here.  We were so worried. Freya managed to get her to open up to us. My own personal feeling is that she loves you but I can't promise you that."  Seb nodded.

"That's fair enough."

"Come on in. You can wait in here."

"Thank you Jim. It's more than I deserve."

"Don't beat yourself up Seb. You're human. You made a mistake. It's what you do to rectify that mistake that's important. I have always believed you love Mia. I could tell by the way you looked at her. As if she was the only person in the world."

"She is the only person in my world."

"That's good enough for me. Did you want a cup of tea?" Seb didn't usually drink tea but he accepted. Jim went into the kitchen. Seb sat on the couch. Barney jumped up and started pushing at Seb's hand with his nose. Seb patted him.

"What do you think Barney? Will Mia take me back?" Barney just looked at Seb. "Thanks buddy."
Jim came back carrying a tray holding two cups of tea and two big pieces of chocolate cake.  He sat down, and switched on the television.

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