7: Something Worth Saving

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A/N contains scene of domestic abuse.

"So it doesn't matter about me then?" Andy shouted. "We've only been back for two bloody days and already you're fucking back with Ricciardo."

"Andy, this is my job. Daniel has an interview with Men's Health magazine. I am his press officer. I have to go with him." Mia had to fight back the tears. This was all they did lately. Fight. Argue. Andy was convinced that there was something going on between her and Daniel. It wasn't, of course. She and Daniel were just colleagues, and good friends. She could honestly say that she had never thought of Daniel in that way.

"You're fucking him, aren't you?" Andy sneered at her. She shook her head.

"No, I am not," she denied fiercely.

"I don't believe you. Dirty whore," he spat.

"I can't do this any more Andy. You're not the man I fell in love with. You should trust me. I have never given you a reason to belive I am cheating on you. Give me a good reason why I shouldn't walk out that door right now and never come back." Andy's face turned from angry to sad.

"I'm sorry baby. Please don't leave me. I don't know what I'd do without you. I'm just so scared you are going to hook up with Daniel. I mean, look at him. He's a rich, muscly F1 driver. I'm a puny mechanic who hardly has a penny to his name. You're always with him. And with his reputation with women I worry he's going to set his sights on you."

"Andy," she sighed. "Daniel has never once showed any interest in me that way. And even if he did, I am not interested. Truth is I think that me and you are growing apart," Mia said, quietly. Inside she knew that she didn't love Andy anymore.

"I'm not letting you go," he growled, his anger returning. "You're not leaving me Mia. I won't let you." Mia was starting to feel afraid. She had never seen him this angry. Sure, they'd had rows but he'd never looked at her with such fury in his eyes.

"Andy, I have to go. I'm meeting Daniel at the MTC in 20 minutes. We'll talk later, OK?" He glared at her before nodding. She grabbed her handbag and headed out of the door, only relaxing when she slid behind the wheel of her red Ford Focus. She breathed a sigh of relief but she knew this wasn't over. She put the key in the ignition and was soon on the way.


After parking she headed inside. She heard her name being called and turned to see her cousin Lando heading towards her. They were very close, despite her being 5 years older than his 21.

"Hey cuz," Lando greeted her, enveloping her in a big bear hug.

"Lando," she squealed. "Let me go!" He laughed out loud and released her.

"You looking for Daniel?" he asked. She nodded. "He's in the canteen. That bloke is always eating!" Mia laughed, thinking to herself that Lando ate quite a bit himself. After chatting for a few minutes she headed to the canteen to find Daniel. He was sat by himself filling his face with a cheese and ham baguette.

" I hope Michael approved that lunch Ricciardo," she said, creeping up behind him. He answered her but she didn't understand a word he said as his mouth was full. "What did you say?"

"I said sod Michael. What he doesn't know won't hurt him." Mia sat down and stole a slice of cucumber off of his plate.

"Help yourself, " Daniel said, sarcastically.

"Sorry," Mia mumbled. Daniel looked at her, there was something off.

"Mia, what's wrong?"he asked, concerned. She shrugged.


"Come off it Mia. Your whole body language gives you away. You're upset about something. Tell Uncle Daniel." She shook her head.

"Honestly, I'm fine. Just tired."

"OK, but remember, I'm here if you need to talk." Daniel didn't believe her denials for a second. He knew there was something wrong. He may have only known her for a few months but Mia was always an open book. She always wore her emotions for all to see. And she was upset. He bet it was that prick of a boyfriend of hers. He didn't like how Andy treated her. He'd heard rumours that Andy had accused her of having an affair with him. There was no truth in that rumour whatsoever. Mia wasn't the sort to cheat. And Daniel would not go for someone who was taken. Even though he admitted to himself that he would love to take Mia to his bed. There was just something so alluring about her. If she ever became available he would definitely be interested. But for now, it was just a working relationship. Speaking of work, he jumped up.

"Come on, we'd better head off. Let's take my car, go easy on me today and I might let you drive her back." A big grin appeared on Mia's face.

"Really? You'd trust me?" He winked at her.

"100% gorgeous. Now come on, let's hit the road."


Arriving home later than planned Mia nervously let herself into the house. She walked into the lounge. Andy wasn't there but there were several empty beer cans on the coffee table. She went into the kitchen and got a bin bag. She returned to the lounge and started to clear the rubbish up.

"So you finally came home." She turned to see Andy stood in the doorway. He was obviously drunk. "Where have you been?"

"You know where I've been."

"Screwing Daniel."

"Not this again. I have not screwed Daniel. I haven't screwed anyone. "

"Well you certainly haven't screwed me you frigid little bitch," he shouted. Mia felt her heart racing. She didn't want to be there but was terrified of what he would do. He'd hit once before during a drunken row. He'd promised it would never happen again but right in that moment she feared history would repeat itself.

"Come on. You've had too much to drink. Let me make you a coffee," she said, trying to placate him.

"I dont want a fucking coffee!" he roared, picking up a vase of flowers from the shelf near him and throwing it across the room where it smashed on the wall. Mia couldn't take it anymore. She decided she was going to go to her sister Freya's house for the night while he sobered up and calmed down. She headed to the door.

He grabbed her arm as she walked by.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going Mia?"

"I can't be around you when you're like this Andy. I'm going to Freya's."

"You're not going anywhere." Something in Mia snapped.

"You don't own me. I will go where the fuck I want, when I want." Next thing she knew, Andy had her pinned up against the wall, his hand at her throat.

"I do own you Mia. You're mine. And while you are living under my roof you will do what I say." Mia started shaking. She was terrified. "Understand?"

"Yes," she managed to say.

"Good," he said. He released her neck and shoved her aside. He grabbed his jacket off the coat rack in the hallway. "I'm going for a pint with Jake and the lads. You'd better be waiting in bed for me when I return." She nodded, obediently.

He slammed the door behind him as he left. Mia broke down in tears. She had to get out of here before he came back. She grabbed the phone and quickly dialled her sister's number. It just rang and rang with no answer. There was no point ringing her parents as they were visiting family in New Zealand. She didn't know who else to call. Most of her friends were Andy's friends too. She didn't want to put them in an awkward position. There was one obvious choice. She quickly dialled a number.

"Hello, Mia. Everything ok?" Cam the calm, familiar voice. She burst into tears again. "Mia answer me please? What's happened?"

"Please come and get me, please..."

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