11: Asking for Help

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A/N apologies for crap chapter title.  Really couldn't think of a good one this time.

Daniel was plotting. Who could he line up as date number 3? Yvette or Alicia? Someone else? Why did Seb have to be so picky?

He carried on pondering his next move as he rode the elevator down to the hotel bar. He was in a really good mood after finishing fourth in the Spanish Grand Prix earlier that day. Lewis had won again. Nico had finished 14th. And Seb 10th. Now they were meeting up for a drink.  He spotted his friends as soon as he entered the room. Lewis waved him over to their table, where they had a large pitcher of beer in the centre.

"Danny Ric!" Nico greeted him. "Nice drive today," he said. " Couldn't do much in the shitbox I drive. It was a bonus to not get a DNF."  Daniel noticed that Seb seemed distracted. He was looking around the room constantly, a smile on his face,  as if he was looking for someone.

"You alright there Seb?" he asked. Seb looked back at him and nodded, grinning.  Daniel was surprised. He hadn't see Seb smile like that for a long time.

"Why are you so cheerful. And who are you looking for?"  Daniel's mind started working overtime.  "It's a woman, isn't it?"

"You've been smiling all weekend. You got laid, didn't you?" Seb burst out laughing.  "I thought you and Zoe agreed to be just friends."

"We did," Seb chuckled. "Nothing happened with Zoe."

"Then what the fuck's got into you?" asked Lewis.

"It's got to be a woman," teased Nico. "Because it certainly isn't his race result."

"At least I got a point unlike you Nico."  Lewis and Daniel both snorted with laughter.

"Come on Seb, tell us. Why are you so happy? I mean don't get me wrong, I'm glad you are but it's such a dramatic change since Portimao," said Lewis.  Seb looked at the three faces staring at him, waiting for him to answer.

"OK, it is a woman."

"I knew it!" declared Daniel, turning to high five Nico. "Details. Name. Age. Profession. And when will you get the balls to ask her out ? Or do you need our help?"

"OK, this is where it gets complicated. I have no idea on any of it. She's a bit of a mystery to me. I've encountered her a couple of times. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She is definitely part of Formula 1. I saw her in Bahrain, Imola and Portimao. I haven't seen her here yet. I'm hoping to see her tonight. Guys I need you to help me find her. As for asking her out, I don't think that will be a problem. I've never felt so comfortable with a woman."  The three of them just stared at Seb in shock.

"So you're telling me you have a thing for a woman and you don't even know her name. How the fuck are we meant to find her? Do you know how many women work in F1? Description please," asked Daniel.

"Well, imagine my usual type. Think of the complete opposite and there you go."

"So brunette, big busted and intelligent," Daniel said, describing the total opposite of Karin, causing Nico to choke on his drink.

"Well, two out of the three. I have no idea whether she's intelligent or not." 

"So a brunette with a decent pair. How about height? Rough age?" asked Lewis.

"Not tall, quite petite actually. Maybe 5 foot 3 or 4. And I'd say mid to late twenties."

"Oh, a younger woman. Sure she'd be interested in an old fart like you?" Daniel joked. Seb shot him an evil look.

"She was sure interested in Portimao when I was fucking her." His three friends were struck dumb for a minute.

"Wait a minute!" exclaimed Daniel. "You fucked this girl already and didn't even ask her her name? Who are you and what have you done with the real Seb?" Seb laughed. He had to admit that it really was out of character for him.

"I did ask her name. She wouldn't tell me. Maybe because I think she actually has a boyfriend." 

"Oh my God. Seb!! You rebel. You're playing with fire there. The media would have a field day if you pinched another guy's girl.  What the hell has gotten into you?" Daniel asked.

"I don't know Dan but I can't get her out of my head. When I think of her I'm happy. I'm going to find her. "

"Guys, can you think of anyone that fits the description?" Daniel asked. Nico shook his head. Lewis looked deep in thought.

"Not sure, I'll keep an eye out."

"Oh, she has a birthmark near her left wrist shaped like a heart."  Daniel froze. He'd seen a birthmark like that. The description fit. Surely not. Mia? No way.

"My round," said Seb. "Same again?"  They all nodded and Seb headed to the bar.

"OK Daniel. I saw your expression. You know who this girl is, don't you?" Lewis said when Seb was out of earshot.

"Not 100% but yeah I think I do."

"Come on, spill. Who is she?"

"I can't say guys. I need to talk to her first. I'm guessing she didn't tell Seb who she was for a reason."  He looked around to make sure Seb wasn't on his way back yet. "If it's who I think it is she is in a bit of a situation. I don't think either she or Seb need the added complications that could arise from Seb finding her. I think the best thing is to keep quiet."  Nico nodded his agreement. 

"But you've seen how happy he is.  Why would it be a bad thing?" Lewis asked.

"Her boyfriend is a nasty piece of work Lewis. She had a bruised arm. She said it was an accident but I don't believe her. If Seb goes sniffing round her I'm afraid of what he'll do to her.  I'm trying to talk sense into her. If she ditches him then I will consider telling Seb. Now I need you guys to promise me. Don't tell him I know." They both nodded.  Lewis sat and pondered. It was someone Daniel knew well obviously. Someone he saw quite a bit of.  He suddenly clicked.

"It's Mia, isn't it?" Daniel's silence gave him the answer he wanted.

"He's going to find out eventually Daniel. It's only a matter of time til he sees her in the paddock."

"Hopefully she'll have ditched the dickhead by then. Shhh, he's coming back."  Seb placed the pitcher of beer on the table.

"So guys,  you'll help me yeah?" They all nodded. All felt guilty for keeping things from him. But as Daniel said, it was for Seb and Mia's own good.

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