28: Their Little Secret

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After a lovely week catching up with her family, Mia joined the rest of McLaren to board their flight to Belgium.  She was excited to see Seb. They had facetimed every day but it wasn't the same. She craved his embrace. She was flying out on the Monday. Seb wouldn't be there until Wednesday. Daniel wouldn't arrive until Tuesday night so she wouldn't have to work. She'd made plans with Luca, Charlie,  Tommy and Delilah to do some sightseeing on the Tuesday.

The flight was unevenful. She'd slept most of the way.  Once there the team boarded the coach outside the airport. She slid into a seat and stared out of the window. Her thoughts were all of Seb and how she was going to break the news to Daniel. She felt someone slide into the seat next to her. She turned, expecting to see Izzy or Delilah. Panic rose in her when she saw the grinning face of Andy staring back.

"Hello stranger," he said, coldly. "Thought it was about time we had a catch up."

"Leave me alone Andy. I have nothing to say to you." He raised his eyebrows at her.

"Come on Mia, there's no need to be like that. I'm trying to be friendly."

"A bit late for that, don't you think?"

"I'm the injured party here. Your little boyfriend broke my nose! He's lucky I didn't press charges."

"And you're lucky that's all he broke," she muttered under her breath. 

"So are you shagging him now? Or is it Ricciardo? Or both? I mean, why tie yourself to one guy when you can have more? You know if you fancy a quickie for old time's sake I'm up for it."

"No thank you. I'll pass."

"OK, I can see you're not feeling very talkative today. I'll leave you be. I just wanted to say hi. Oh and Mia, I also wanted to remind you that I haven't forgotten what you and your driver friends did. Watch your back. That's all. Bye bye."  He slid out of the seat. She felt relief flood through her.   She hoped he wasn't going cause problems.


Tuesday came and went in a flash. She had a great time playing tourist with her friends. Daniel's flight had been delayed so she wasn't going to see him until Wednesday morning. She was relieved because she knew she was going to have to tell him about her and Seb's relationship. Seb himself wouldn't be arriving until early evening. She considered not telling Daniel but thought that he deserved the truth.  He knew something was going on the way they had disappeared from his house on that Sunday. She decided to have an early night, all the fresh air had made her tired. She crawled into bed and was soon fast asleep.


The next day Mia met Daniel on the outside terrace as arranged. He stood as she arrived, hugging her.

"Great to see you girl, looking good," he said. "How was your family?"

"Great thanks Daniel. Was good to see them. Hadn't seen them for several months."  She sat down opposite him, ordering an orange juice from the waitress who had rapidly appeared at the table.  She decided to just get things out of the way. She looked around to make sure no one was within earshot.

"Daniel, there's something I need to talk to you about."

"Yes babe, what is it?"

"I really don't know how to say this.  It's about Seb. Seb and me."

"You're together, aren't you?" She nodded. " I kind of guessed Mia. He was at yours for several hours before he came back for his car. It's OK. Yeah, it bloody hurts. You know how I feel about you. But all I want is for you to be happy. Seb is a great guy. I know he will treat you right. After Andy you deserve that. I'm pleased for you both. I really am. But I have to warn you. I'm not saying this to try and stir things. I'd be careful who finds out. I don't think Zak and Andreas will be very happy about you dating a rival driver. And I don't expect Lawrence and Otmar will be too happy about it either."

Mia's mood fell. She had been thinking the same thing the last few days. It was an awkward situation. Still, it was early days. They weren't planning on going public yet. It was going to be their little secret for now, with only a few people knowing, like Daniel. Seb would obviously tell Britta and Antti.

"We'll be careful Daniel. I hope we can still be good friends? I don't want to lose you. "

"That's kinda up to Seb. Does he know about what happened at Silverstone?"

"No. I don't see what good can come from telling him. You made a drunken mistake. No harm done. Best thing to do is to forget it even happened." 
Daniel nodded his agreement. 

"You got it. Well, we'd better get on. What have you got planned for me today?"


Mia lay on her bed flicking through a magazine. She was waiting for Seb to let her know he had arrived safe. Her phone suddenly beeped making her jump.

Seb: I'm here Princess. Britta and Antti have gone to their rooms. Fancy popping round? Room 828. Oh and wear something sexy for me to remove. Xx

Mia quickly jumped up and rummaged through her case. She had brought just the thing. She quickly changed into the tiny red thong and matching bra. There wasn't much of the bra. It was lace and very see-through. She knew Seb would love it. Then she put on a very short white sundress. She ran a brush through her hair, applied some fresh lipstick and squirted some perfume on .

Finally she slipped some sandals on her feet. She grabbed her phone and key card and headed out. She soon found Seb's room. She knocked on the door. He answered it within seconds. He looked so sexy. He was wearing a baggy pair of shorts and a plain white tshirt. His eyes travelled all over her body.

He held the door open wider. The second she entered the room he quickly shut the door and grabbed hold of her, slamming his mouth down on hers.

"Damn, I've missed you," he murmured against her lips.

"I've missed you too. " He slid the straps of her dress off of her shoulders and the dress fell to the floor. He groaned when he saw what she wore underneath.
"Beautiful," he said. "Now come here. We've got some catching up to do."

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