43: New Year, New Start

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New Year's Eve 2021

Mia downed the shots in front of her. It was New Year's Eve and she was out celebrating with Freya and her friends. It had been just over two weeks since Seb had gone. Both their hearts had broken that day but they both knew that there was no going back, only forwards. Their relationship had been too much, too soon. The ghost of Andy had still been haunting them.

Mia remembered the look on Seb's face as she'd asked him to leave. She would never forget it. She knew she would never love another man like she loved him. He was the right man. It had just been the wrong time and place.

Now a New Year was on the horizon. A new start. She had been offered a new job which she was very much looking forward to. Her heart would heal, as would Seb's.  Freya returned from the bar with a tray of shots. Mia grabbed another and smiled at her sister. With the support of her family she knew she would get through this.


Seb trudged through the snow, his parents' dog, Otto, rolling around his feet, nearly tripping him up. It was New Year's Eve. He wondered what she was doing. Was she thinking of him?

His heart had shattered that day when she had  sent him away. He missed her and what they'd had so much. But in time he knew he would heal. He would never forget those days with her. He understood why she felt she had to do this. The hell Andy had put her through was still affecting her. She had jumped headfirst into an intense relationship too soon. Seb knew that.

So even though it broke his heart, he'd found the strength to leave. He ached for her constantly. He just wanted to make love to her. He knew he would never stop feeling that way. Mia was his one true love, his Prinzessin.  He had to let her do what she had to do. He wanted her to be happy. He just wished it didn't hurt so bloody much.

28th January 2022

Mia smiled at the man sat opposite her.

"Welcome Miss Marlow, it's good you could make it. We are very happy that you decided to accept the position. Your C.V. is very impressive."

"Thank you Sir. When I saw the vacancy I couldn't resist the opportunity."

"I have a good feeling about this partnership. Now, let me introduce you to the rest of our team."  Mia stood and followed her new boss through to the meeting room. There were several people sat there already. 

She spotted the handsome man perched on a table near the back. Her eyes were glued to him. He lifted an eyebrow and smiled at her. Her heart skipped a beat. She knew then that she was nearly ready. She was going to enjoy this job.

30th January 2022

Seb climbed out of the car after his seat fit. It had been good to catch up with everyone after the winter break. He was meeting up with Lewis and Daniel later that night. Nico was away on his honeymoon. He and Frankie had tied the knot the weekend before. Seb had been best man, Daniel and Lewis ushers. It had been a beautiful wedding.

Seb had spent most of it thinking about Mia and what a beautiful bride she would make. He knew he had to stop torturing himself.  He had accept things were what they were.

Later that evening he joined Daniel and Lewis for dinner.

"So Seb, how's it going?" asked Daniel.

"Some days are better than others but I'm OK Daniel. I miss her so much but I love her too much to try and persuade her to carry on when she wanted to find her way. She will always be my everything, but I had to do what she asked.

"Soon be time for another season," said Lewis. "Think you can mount a challenge this time guys? Verstappen is getting too cocky now he's won a championship.  Us oldies need to remind him that we've still got it."

"Too right," agreed Dan and Seb.

Seb had never been more thankful for his friends.  He knew they would be there if he needed them. Slowly his heart would begin to heal.

1st March 2022

Seb pulled on his racesuit. It was launch day. The media were gathered to see the unveiling of the AMR22. He knew this car was going to be something special. He and Lance had driven it around Silverstone the previous week on a filming day. She was fast. He knew he had a real chance at his fifth title. Britta signalled to him that it was time. He grinned at Lance and they headed out to reveal their new car to the world.


The press had gone home and now it was just the team. Lance's press officer came to fetch Lance for another zoom interview. She looked at him as she passed, her interest evident. He looked down at her legs, his eyes moving up to her butt.  Behave Seb, he told himself, but it was so hard to behave when temptation was in front of him like that. He shook his head and walked away before he crossed the line.

2nd March 2022

Mia packed the last bits into her case. She was heading away for her first work trip. She added a little black nightie just in case. She thought of the man again. He'd made his interest clear. It was up to her whether she wanted to take that step. She knew she was ready. It was time to move on.

5th March 2022, Barcelona

"So Seb, I've been thinking," said Daniel.

"That's dangerous, " laughed Seb.

"Yeah, yeah. Funny. I've been thinking that it's time you went on a date."

"Not that again," Seb groaned.  "Can't I even get through testing without you starting?"

"Nope," laughed Daniel.

"What if I don't want to date?"

"Seb, it's time.  Too late anyway. I was speaking to Lance about his press officer. She's single and is interested. So Saturday night you, my friend, are going on a date. Project Girlfriend is back!"

Project Girlfriend (Sebastian Vettel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora