32: A Choice to Make

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Seb and Mia sprang apart and turned to see the absolutely furious Zak Brown.

"Miss Marlow, you'd better have a good explanation for why you were eating the face off of a rival driver!"

"Mr Brown Sir, I can explain."

"I expect you can. However you have something far more urgent to attend to. Unfortunately Daniel decided to bin it and you are needed. I was looking for you seeing as you weren't where you were supposed to be!  Someone saw you heading this way. Then I stumble upon this little love scene. "

"Mr Brown, please, this is my fault, not Mia's, " Seb began.

"Mr Vettel.  You are not my concern. It's down to Lawrence and Otmar to deal with you as they see fit. Miss Marlow, we will talk about this later. I suggest you get back to doing what you are paid to do rather than frolic with the enemy. Now!" he roared.

"Yes Mr Brown," she said, quickly heading back to McLaren.

"You should know better Sebastian. You've been in this game long enough to know that this kind of relationship is frowned upon. Believe me, I will be having words with Otmar about this."

"Please don't be too hard on Mia. We love each other."

"Be that as it may, there are rules she needs to stick to. It's part of her contract. Now, I have a race to watch. But believe me this is not the end of this." 

Zak turned on his heel and stomped back off to the McLaren garage. Seb swore in German. How could he have been so dumb, asking Mia to meet him? Now she was in trouble because of him and his selfishness. He knew this wasn't going to go down too well with his own team either. He decided he would tell Otmar after the race. It was better coming from him than from Zak Brown. 

He headed back to his room where he found Britta looking for him.

"There you are! Where on earth have you been?"

"Cocking everything up and ruining Mia's career!"

"What's happened Sebastian?" Britta asked, seeing how upset he was.

" I just wanted to see her after the crash. I just needed a hug. Then I kissed her and Zak Brown caught us. He's furious. He said he's going to speak to Otmar about it. I'm worried what's going to happen to Mia's job."  Britta sighed.

"Sebastian, how could you be so stupid? You know you're supposed to stay away from each other at the track. "

"I know. I was stupid and selfish. I will speak to Otmar as soon as he is free. It's better he hears it from me."  Britta laid her hand on his arm.

"Everything will work out Sebastian. You and Mia are meant to be."

"I hope so Britta. I truly hope so."


Mia was still shaking when she saw Daniel emerge from the back of the garage.

"Hey Mia, sorry I'm giving you more work. I was coming out of the pit lane and Russell just drifted into me.  Hey, what's wrong?"  Mia just shook her head and walked off towards the motorhome.  "Mia, what is it? Something's wrong." he said following her.

"Zak found out about me and Seb."


"Seb needed me after his crash. He was really shaken. Zak came to find me after you crashed and he caught us kissing." Daniel swore.

"So what happened? What did he say?"

"He was fuming. I've got to see him later. And he said he's having words with Aston Martin too. The shit has totally hit the fan."

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