Chapter 37

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I went to (y/n)'s room first thing in the morning. She was sleeping peacefully, her tail wrapped around her. I sighed. It looked like the condition was getting worse.

I was scared for her. There was no information about this condition and I didn't know what it was.

'(Y/n), wake up'. She groaned. I checked her temperature again. There was no difference but she was still warm. 'Wake up'.

'But pup doesn't want to'. I rolled my eyes. I picked her up and apparated to her chambers at Hogwarts, setting her back down on the bed. 'Where you going'?

'To the headmaster to speak about your condition'.

'Okay, I'll be here... sleeping'. I rolled my eyes and left her chambers to go to Dumbledore's. I knocked on the door and went in.

'Ahh, Severus, how are you'?

'Annoyed, tired, the list goes on'.

'Well, what can I do for you today'?

'It's about (y/n), she-'

'I know I know, she's a very talented, bright witch and also very loving'.

Yeah she is, ahh, focus. I shook my head from my thoughts.

'What? No, just let me get to the point, she has a condition, I don't think she would be able to go to classes for a while'.

'What kind of condition'?

'Well, she's... well, I can't explain it'. He chuckled.

'If you can't explain it, why don't you show me to her'.

'She won't get up from bed'. He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

'Well, you have to at least try'.

'Fine, I will tell you, her animagus form is making her sick in a way, I looked in all my books and found nothing of the condition, it could be dangerous for her'.

'How is it affecting her'?

'Well... first she had a tail then ears, her eye colour changed and her canines are larger and more animal-like'.


'I think it's getting worse, her fever is still the same but her appearance is more of her animagus form'.

'That sounds serious, than she has to stay in her chambers, make sure that she gets what she needs, when did this start'?

'Like yesterday morning'.

'So you've been caring for her since then'? he said with another smirk on his face. I sighed.

'Albus, she is my-'

'Tiltes are not important, Severus, as I believe she is nearly of age, I know how you feel about her, you care for her very darely and you can't change that, we both know that your coming closer with her and that's alright'.

'Albus I-' He raised his hand to silence me.

'You better check on her, we will talk later', he told me. I nodded and went back toward her chambers.

I hope she is alright, she looked worse and that scared me. What if it's something that can kill her?

I entered her chambers and came to her room. She had covered herself with the covers.

'Get up now, you can't stay in bed forever, (y/n)'. She gave a slight growl, making me frown. '(Y/n)'?

A head popped out from under the covers but it was the head of a white wolf. She came out from under the covers completely and rubbed her fur on my legs.

I sighed. It was worse than I thought. Maybe if I brew a potion to help her to turn back to her normal self. Will it be okay for her to take a potion like this?

'What am I going to do with you now'? I went down to her level and held her head in my hands. 'I miss you'. She tilted her head a little.

Can she still understand me?

'I miss the real you'.

After spending my time in my chambers brewing a potion, I had to go to the great hall for the stupid sorting.

I'm sure that (y/n) would agree with me when I say I hate this new professor. She wore pink and that colour disgusted me and her laugh, don't get me started.

Instead of sleeping in my chambers, I slept in (y/n). She kinda felt as if the floor was more comfortable.

After about a week, I was stuck with a childish animal. Every day I grew more to miss her. Why did everything have to happen to her? The potion would be finished in a matter of minutes now and I felt as if I couldn't wait any longer.

But I had to if I wanted for this potion to work. After waiting for a couple more minutes, the potion was ready. I put it in a vile and went over to her chambers. I went over to the couch and went to her level.

'Open up'. She obayed, opened and I poured the potion down her throat. 'It's going to take some time'. She laid back on the couch and closed her eyes.

I sat in the armchair and watched her as her breathing became even. I just hoped that this potion will work. Slowly, my eye lids became heavy.

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