Chapter 15

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'All students must return to their house dormitories at once, all teachers to the second-floor corridor immanently', McGonagall's voice sounded. Me, Harry, and Ron all ran to the second-floor corridor. It was lonely without Hermione, she had been petrified, luckily we found a piece of paper in her hand telling us what is rooming around. Hagrid was sent to Azkaban being accused of these attacks and Dumbledore had to step down.

We came to where all the professors were, we hid not wanting to be seen.

'As you can see, the heir of Slytherin has left yet another message', McGonagall pointed out. 'Our worst fear has been realized, a student has been taken by the monster, into the chamber itself, students must be sent home, I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts'.

'So sorry, dozed off, what have I missed', I heard Lockhart's voice say.

'A girl has been snatched by the monster Lockhart, your moment has come at last', Snape said.

'M-my moment', Lockhart stuttered.

'Weren't you just saying last night you known where the chamber of secrets was all along'.

'That's settled, we'll leave you to deal with the monster, Gilderoy, your skills, after all, are legend'. I giggled a little.

'Very well, I'll just be in my office getting... getting ready'.

'Who is it that the monster taken Minerva'?

'Ginny Weasley'. Ron's eyes widened.

Ron and Harry ran toward the DADA classroom and I was stopped by the cold, dark professor.

'What are you doing here at this time of night'?

'I need to speak with Gilderoy, so if you don't mind'.

'I mind, you shouldn't be wandering, there is a monster in the castle'.

'So I heard but there is something that Gilderoy doesn't know, if I don't tell him, he will surely die in there, not that I care for him but I have no dorm to go to, I must go'.

I quickly ran away to the DADA room and up the stairs to Gilderoy's office. Harry and Ron pointed their wands at him.

'What happened'?

'He's a fraud, he tried to wipe our minds clean', Harry said. I looked at Gilderoy.

'I knew it, I knew it, you're a fraud, I was right'.

All four of us left to moaning Myrtle bathroom. Harry asks how Myrtle died. She said she saw big yellow eyes by the sink.

'This is it, I think this is the entrance to the chamber of secrets', Harry said. He said something parslemouth and the sinks opened.

'Ahh, well done Harry, well there's no need for me to stay'. Lockhart tried to run but we stopped him.

'So, are we doing this? Gilderoy has to go down first, age before beauty. I pushed him down the hole. I went after and Harry and Ron followed. At the bottom was a pile of bones. 'Come on, little fraudy', I laughed.

We went into a cave, where a snakeskin was found.

'Gross, it's a snake's skin'. Lockhart fainted near Ron but got back up with Ron's wand.

'Adventure ends here children but don't fret. The world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl, how you three tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body. So... you first Mr Potter, say goodbye to your memories'. The spell backfires and Lockhart hit the rock ceiling making rocks separate Ron from Me and Harry.

'Ron, are you okay'? Harry called.

Harry told me that it would be best to stay out of the chamber. He said that it could be something to do with Voldemort. I help make an opening with Ron.

After what seemed like forever, Harry made it out with Ginny.

Sorry, I'm lazy to make this any longer.

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