Chapter 31

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After a month, I finally decided to take Severus' advice and take a bath with the egg. I had a bath in my chambers but it was a little too small. So I snuck into the prefects bathroom.

I turned on the many taps, filling the pool sized bathtub with soapy water. Once the tub was filled, I took off my bathrobe and went in.

I opened the egg, thinking the atmosphere will change something but the egg let a loud screeching sound still, I closed it again.

'What's Snape playing at'? I picked the egg up and me having wet hands, it slipped and fell in the water. 'Shit'.

I dived under and I saw the egg, it was open. Instead of an annoying screech, it let out a beautiful song of a riddle.

Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.

I closed the egg and resurfaced, taking in as much air. What did the clue mean? I have to go to Snape about this.

I got out of the tub, put on my black fleece bathrobe and drained the water before leaving with the egg. Without taking into account that I'm not properly dressed, I still knocked on his chamber door and he opened it.

'What are you doing up at this time of night and in a bathrobe'? I ignored him and pushed pass into his chambers.

'The clue it's a riddle'.

'It is'

'Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground', I repeated. I looked up at Snape who was staring at me. 'Do you know what that means'?

'I cannot tell you'.

'Come on, I know you can't help but you know that Karkaroff and Maxime told their students'.

'You're smart, I will let you figure it out on your own'.

'Fine, wait a minute, the second task has to do something with water, come seek us where our voices sound, if you open the egg above water it doesn't sing but under water but what does the rest of the stupid riddle mean', I groaned in frustration.

'Your getting closer'.

'So, the second task does have something to do with water'? He nodded his head. 'Sooooo...'

'Something is going to be taken from each champion and the champion has to search for it in the black lake'.

'You mean but it's a large lake, how can we possibly find what was taken from us and how long do we have... an hour, it says in the riddle, of course but I can't breath underwater that long, let alone anyone, I'm -'

'Relax, I will give you something so you can breath underwater for that long'.

'Really? Thanks Professor'.

'It's Severus, remember'?

'Oh, right'. I sighed and laui down on his couch.

'Don't get my couch wet from your hair, why didn't you dry it'?

'Because I was in a rush to get here, I just noticed, I'm rocking this bathrobe, I mean damn, I'm a sexy bitch'.


'Right, sure, are you going to give me a potion or something to breath underwater for an hour'?

'I'm going to give you this'. He held something green that kinda looked like rat tails. He placed it in my hand.

'Gross, couldn't you give me something less slimy and rat tail looking'?

'It's not so bad'.

'Yeah right'.

Lady Potter (Severus x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя