Chapter 25

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Peter escaped before Harry's godfather could get his name cleared for being innocent. I wrote to him from time to time and also Remus.

Me and Harry got to stay with the Weasley's so we could all go to the quidditch World Cup but something happened. The dark mark was cast to the sky. Death Eaters were looking for someone.

I hugged my legs to my chest and leaned my back on the window the whole train ride to Hogwarts for my fourth year.

'It's horrible, how can the Ministry not know who conjured it', Hermione began.

'Yeah, I wonder who conjured it', I said.

When we all got to Hogwarts, I sat at the Slytherin table next to Malfoy. He was nice to me but I still wasn't his friend.

'Now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement, this castle would not only be your home this year but home to very special guests as well, you see, Hogwarts has been chosen'. Dumbledore stopped as Filch spoke to him. 'So, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, the tri-wizard tournament...'

Dumbledore's voice faded as I was occupied with my own thoughts, staring at my empty plate. I snapped back to reality when the door opened and a group of girls walked in and their headmistress who was tall for the normal women.

'Now, our friends from the North, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master Igor Karkaroff'.

This time a group of boys walked in, banging their staffs on the floor.

I was lost in my thoughts again, probably missing key details about this tournament. The ceiling in the great hall that was bewitched to look like the night sky suddenly began to thunder.

A spell was cast up to the ceiling by another frightening man. One normal eye, one magical. He limped to Dumbledore and shaking his hand. I had an uneasy feeling toward him.

'Stupid ceiling', I heard the man say. Another man walked to the side of a tall box.

'After due consideration, no one under the age of 17 will be able to enter for the tri-wizard tournament'.

'That's rubbish, that's rubbish', Fred and George yelled like most of the students.

'Silence'! Dumbledore ordered. The great hall became silent. Once everyone did, he pulled out his wand and pointed it at the tall box thing. It slowly disappeared to reveal a cup on a stool. Blue flames erupted from it.

'The goblet of fire, anyone wishing to submit themselves into the tournament merely write their name on a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly, if chosen, there's no turning back, as from this moment, the tri-wizard tournament has begun, now, off the bed, you lot, chop chop'.

I got up a practically bolted to my chambers. I didn't eat anything for the whole time I was at the feast.

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