Chapter 23

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It's been a month after Christmas, the end of the year neared. I accompanied Ron, Hermione and Harry to Hagrid's hut.

'Hello you four', Hagrid said.

We went to his hut and he made some tea and gave us scones but they were like rock.

'Oh Ron, I found him running around'. Hagrid took a large rat out of a jar, Ron's rat was missing for some time.

'Scabbers', Ron yelled taking the rat.

Then the jar that had the rat broke, and Hermione took a stone.

'What was that', I said.

'Oww', Harry yelled.

'What is it Harry'? Harry looked behind him.

'We have to go, Fudge is coming'.

'What', I looked out the window and Fudge was walking with the headmaster and another man, wearing all back and carrying a big axe.

'Quick, out the back', Hagrid whispered.

We all went out quietly and ran behind some of Hagrid's pumpkins.


A twig was heard breaking behind us, Hermione looked back.

'I thought I saw... never mind'.

'We should head back to the castle, I don't want to witness a death of an innocent animal', I said and we walked back up to the castle looking back.

The axe was heard and crows flew. Buckbeak was... was.

'Come on, there's nothing we can do'. After I said this, Ron let out a scream of pain and his rat ran away.

'He bit me, Scabbers bit me'. He ran after the rat calling him back, me, Hermione and Harry ran after him.

'It's getting dark you guys'.

Ron lunged at his rat, catching him, right in front of the whopping willow.

'That's not good, Ron, get out of there'. Ron pointed behind us and told us to ran. I looked behind me and there was a big black dog. The dog looked at me before running to Ron, bitting his leg and dragging him to the hole in the whopping willow.

I transformed into my animagus form and I went in through the hole, Harry and Hermione followed.

'Ron, are you okay'? Harry asked him when we came up the stairs.

'It's a trap, he's an animagus'. The door swung aside, revealing Sirius Black. Harry pulled him to the ground and pointed his wand at him. I growled.

'You going to kill me Harry', Sirius said, laughing.

I transformed back to human form pulling Harry away and replacing him, my own wand to his neck.

'No, I'm going to kill you, you filthy bastard. Our father trusted you and you had too'!

I turned back to my animagus form from my anger but I lugged at him. I growled at him, snapping my teeth.

'Little cub, that's enough', a voice said, calm but a little loud. It was Moony.

I claimed off Sirius and Lupin pointed his wand at him. I transformed back, taking my wand.

'Looking very ragged aren't we, finally, the flesh reflects the madness within'.

'Well, you'd know all about the madness within wouldn't you Remus'.

Lupin helped him up and they hugged, Sirius saying that he found someone and saying let's kill him.

'Remus, you were helping him'!

'No, I trusted you and you were his friend, his a werewolf that's why he's been missing classes', Hermione yelled.

'How long have you known', Remus asked.

'Since Snape set the essay'.

'Hermione, you really are the brightest witch I ever known'.

'Enough talk, let's kill him now', Sirius yelled.

'Wait', Remus replied.

'I did my waiting, 12 years of it, in Azkaban'.

'Alright'. Remus was going to hand his wand over to him when Snape burst in.

'Vengeance is sweet', he said pointing his wand at Sirius. 'I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle.

'Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set', Sirius said.

'I could do it you know, but why deny the dementors, their so longing to see you'.

After Snape's and Sirius's back and forth talking, Harry had Hermione's wand and aimed a spell at Snape, knocking him to the wall, unconscious.

'Harry, you attacked a teacher', Hermione yelled.

'What happened with our parents'. My canine teeth sharpened. 'Your the reason they're dead'.

'Sirius didn't kill anyone', Moony informed.

'Who did then'? Harry raised his voice.

'Peter Pettigrew and his right here, in this room'.

'Where'? I shouted. He pointed at Ron.

'Me, are you mad'? Ron said.

'No, not you, your rat'.

'But Scabbers been in my family for-'.

'12 years'.

'12 years, give the rat here Ron', I screamed.

I grabbed the rat, a toe was missing, all that was left of Pettigrew was a finger.

'Unless Peter is an animagus, let's see if this rat is who I think he is, if not I'm killing you Sirius I don't care if I go to Azkaban for it'.

I let the rat go, Remus and Sirius aiming spells at it, then I aimed my spell at the rat and it turned into a man, an ugly man.

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