Chapter 10

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I went to Kings Cross station with the Weasley's and Harry. The twins went through the barrier first then Ginny and then Mr and Mrs Weasley.

'Let's go', Harry said and he ran and I followed but Harry crashed into the wall and I crashed behind him earning a scrap on my leg.

'What happened'? I asked.

'I don't know, the barrier sealed itself'. I looked at the clock, it was 11 o'clock.

'The train leaves at exactly 11 o'clock, we missed it', Harry told us.

'Harry, if we can't get through maybe mum and dad can't get back', Ron exclaimed.

'Maybe we should just wait by the car', Harry suggested.

'The car'.

The only other option, was to use Ron's parents flying car and after this, I'm pretty sure Ron's parents are gonna be pissed.

Harry almost fell out of the car, Hedwig and Phoenix, my owl, were screetching.

'Oh no', Ron said. The car started to stall. 'We've run out of gas'. The car flew uncontrollably, then went down.

'Hit the breaks, hit the breaks', I yelled.

'I'm trying'.

'Move over', Harry tried to change gears. Ron took his wand out, banging it on the string wheel and yelling "stop" repeatedly and it broke. We crashed into the whooping willow, which then it started hitting the car before the car fell down from the tree.

The car then opened its doors and kicked us out, along with our pets and our luggage then drove off to the fibidden forest. We went inside the castle, putting our stuff down with the other students stuff and began walking up the steps

The great hall door was slightly open so we all pecked inside and watched the new students being sorted. I looked up to the Professors table and noticed Professor Snape wasn't there.

'Where's Professor Snape'? I asked.

''Maybe because he didn't get the defense against the dark arts post and he decided not to come', Ron said.

'Maybe he resigned', Harry said.

'Maybe he got sacked', I said.

'I mean everyone hates him', Ron said. I frowned.

'Maybe not everyone, think of some of the Slytherins', I said. 'Maybe his just bored and couldn't be bothered coming tonight'.

'Or maybe', said a very cold voice behind us. 'He's waiting to hear why you three didn't arrive on the school train'.

He lead us to his office. Mr Filtch stood behind us. Snape was looking at the Daily Prophet. Picture of a flying car on the front page.

'You were seen by no less than seven muggles', Snape put the paper down on his desk. 'Do you have any idea how serious this is'? Snape snapped. 'You have risked the exposure of our world, not to mention the damage you inflicted on a whopping willow that's been on these grounds since before you were born'.

'Honestly professor Snape, I think it's done more damage to us', Ron said.

'Silence, I assure you that were you two in Slytherin and your fate rested with me the both of you would be on the train home tonight'.

'As they are not'. I turned around to see Dumbledore and McGonagall.

'Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall'.

'Headmaster, these three have flouted the decree for the restriction of underage wizardry as such', Snape stated.

'I am well aware of our bylaws Severus having written quite a few of them myself, however as head of Gryffindor house its for Professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate option'.

'We'll go get our stuff then', Ron said which made me sigh.

'What are you talking about Mr Weasley'? McGonagall said.

'Your going to expel us, aren't you'?

'I decided not today but I must impress the seriousness of what you have done, I'll be writing to your families tonight and you three will receive detention'.

'As for (y/n), it's your decision, Severus', Dumbledore looked at Severus, almost telling him something just by looking.

'Miss Potter, you may stay but you will have detention with me for the rest of the month'.

I smiled and Harry nudged me, happy as well.

Lady Potter (Severus x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن