Chapter 24

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'Remus, Sirius, my old friends', Peter said. I pointed my wand at him, gripping tightly.

'So it's true, you're the reason our parents are dead'. I kicked Peter to the wall and pointed my wand at his neck. 'It will be my pleasure to kill you'.

'No', Harry yelled.

'Harry, you know what he did', Remus told him.

'I know but I don't think my dad wants his friends and his daughter to become murderers, we'll take him to the castle'.

'Bless you boy, bless you', Peter went on his knees coming closer to Harry.

'Get off, I said we'll take you to the castle then the dementors can have you'.

'I'll take Peter, little cub, take Snape and Sirius help Ron', Remus said.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione went out first with Sirius, then I went with Snape and then followed by Remus and Peter. Once I got outside, I lay Snape down. I walked over the Harry and Sirius.

'You can come live with me when my names cleared, Harry', Sirius spoke. 'You too, (y/n), Remus can visit us, you know his your godfather'?


'Really, I can come live with you'.

'Harry', Hermione yelled pointing in the distance. The moon came up, the full moon, I totally forgot.

'Oh no, did Rem take the potion', I asked worriedly.

Sirius ran to Remus and I followed, Remus transformed, throwing me and Sirius off him.

Remus' werewolf self edged closer to the students and the awakened Professor Snape.

'Potter, get back here'! Snape yelled to me. Remus tried to scratch them. Sirius in his dog form jumped on him too.

'No, Sirius, don't hurt him'.

I was thrown off and scratched on my chest. I tried to get up but I couldn't, Snape walked to the student before everything turned black.

I awoke in the hospital the next morning, Ron was across from me. I had my arm in a sling.

'How are you feeling (y/n)'? Ron said.

'Okay, I guess', I smiled.

The doors burst opened and Harry walked in with Hermione.

'Moony, is he alright? I hope I didn't do too much damage, where is he'? I said worriedly.

'His in his office in the D.A.D.A room', Harry said. I got up from my bed, changed into some of my new robes, and dashed to the room.

'Hello, little cub', Moony said when he saw me.

'Are you alright, Alpha'?

'The real question is, are you alright? I heard what I did to you, your not going to-'.

'No, I don't think so but it wasn't your fault, you lost your mind, you didn't know what you were doing'.

'But it's my responsibility'.

'Don't beat yourself up, are you packing? But why'?

'I resigned, someone let it slip about my condition, and this time tomorrow the owls will start arriving, the parents wouldn't want someone like me'.

'Snape told everyone, this ruins everything, please don't go'.

'I'm sorry, little cub, I will be alright, don't worry about me, we will see each other again soon'.

He walked up to me and hugged me, pulling away after a while but still holding on to me.

'Until then I will say goodbye', he leaned and kissed my forehead before walking away.

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