Chapter 21

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On our next Hogsmeade trip, Harry and I were planning to sneak in, Harry under the invisibility cloak and me under a disillusionment charm that I learned by myself. The grounds were covered in thick snow and I didn't take into account that our footsteps printed in the snow.

Fred and George were outside making a snowman and then suddenly Fred picked me up off the ground and George linked with Harry's arm and dragged him.

'Guys what are you doing? We're trying to get to Hogsmeade'.

'We know', they said in union. George tossed Harry a little and Fred put me down. When Harry took off his cloak, I took the disillusionment charm off.

'Guys, tomorrow is Christmas, I need to get presents', I exclaimed. Fred handed Harry some parchment.

'What's this rubbish'?

'What's this rubbish he says, that is the secret to our success'.

'It's a wrench gimmick to you, believe me'.

'But we decided your needs are greater than ours, George if you will'. George took his wand out and pointed it at the parchment.

'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good'. Words and a picture started to appear. I looked up not really interested.

'Messers Moony'. The nickname caught my attention. 'Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present the marauder's map'.

'We learned so much'. Harry opened it and it was a map.

'Hang on, this is Hogwarts and that... is that really-'


'In his study'.

'Pacing, he's done that a lot'.

'So this map shows-' George cut me.




'Where they are'.

'What they're doing'.

'Of every minute'.

'Of every day'.

'Where did you get it'? I asked.

'Nicked it from Filch's office, of course'.

'First year'.

'Now listen, there are seven secret passageways out of the castle, we'd recommend...'

'This one', they said in union. George continued the sentence for Fred.

'The one-eyed witch passageway'.

'It will lead both of you to honeydukes cellar'.

'Oh and once your done don't forget just to give it a tap and say...'

'Mischief managed', they said in union again and George tapped the map, making the map blank again. 'Or else anyone can read it'.

This time I went under Harry's cloak and we walked to the passageway which did lead to honeydukes cellar.

'I'll see you around Harry, I need to go to some stores, I'll meet you soon'.

'Okay see you'. I got up from under Harry's cloak and went to a book store.

I ran my fingers along the books, thinking what Professor Snape would like.

'I wonder', I whispered to myself. I walked up to the front desk. 'Excuse me, ma'am'?

'Yes, dear, how can I help you'?

'Do you maybe have some... muggle books'? She smiled.

'Just at the end over there'.

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