"But I went with it. I went with it because I fell for you..."

"You lied... you played me, I'm such a fool"

"What are you are talking about? I do like you! I like you a lot Emery" Tom tried to take a step forward reaching out to grab my hand. I quickly move away from his touch. Anger started to flow through my veins the more I looked at Tom.

"Are you SERIOUSLY gonna look at me and keep LYING STRAIGHT TO MY FACE THOMAS !" I pointed a finger at Tom's face backing him up with every step I took. Tom was still looking at me confused as a dog in headlights.

"I'm not lying Emery I don't understand?" My face was dull and emotionless as I stood there.

"Why would you think I don't like you? I think you're so cool and fun to be around. Being around you is the best feeling in the world. I think you are the most beautiful girl I've laid my eyes on, I love your sudden strikes of boldness and how smart and thoughtful-" Tom was cut off by me.

"Save it! You are the same as every boy in this school. A lying heartless J-E-R-K." I walked a little closer to Tom's face and stared at him for a moment.

"Look me in my eyes and say you didn't lie to me this whole time. That every intention of getting with me was because you truly liked me" Tom was silent.

"I hope that 50 BUCKS was worth it." And with that bomb dropped, I turned my back to Tom and stormed off as the wind blew my hair and quiet sobs left my mouth. Tom stood where he was, the colour drained from his face as he watched you walked off.

"You um- know?" Tom asked his voice was low but you heard, I stopped and stood in my tracks for the hundredth time today. I stared at the big crack on the sidewalk before answering.

"Yeah" My voice was soft and dull, Tom stepped closer to me and was now standing behind me. Watching my hair blow in the wind. I stayed facing away from Tom.

"I heard you talking to Brian today, west wing near the lockers..." I slowly turned around still staring at the ground scared to look Tom in the eyes as I felt I would break. But how could I break even more than I already was?

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry Emery" Tom tried to catch my eye but I stayed focused on the ground.

"Yeah me too..." I pushed my purse back onto my shoulder as tears rolled down my cheeks and sniffled a little nodding my head.

"Emery-" Tom stopped talking for a moment, he pressed his lips in a line and sucked in a breath like he was scared to talk.

"How- how much did you hear?" Tom said softly his voice slightly shaky.

"All of it, how you made a bet with Brian to what? Try and date me for 50 bucks..." I wiped the tears on my cheeks smudging my makeup. Tom opened his mouth to talk.

"Ok you have to believe me it was only a simple bet..." Tom quickly realized the words that left his lips and instantly wish he could take them back.

"A SIMPLE BET! A SIMPLE BET!! You're really gonna tell me all of this... Dating me, hanging out with me, kissing me was just a simple bet WORTH 50 BUCKS!..." I screamed

"No, I-" Tom tried to cut in but failed

"So what now? You break up with me...? Be popular? Hangout with Brian?! Oh, don't forget your 50 bucks that's very important" I fold my arms across my chest with my sarcastic tone clearly irritated.

"Wait no... no way if you stayed a little longer to hear the conversation you would have heard that I don't wanna hang out with Brian and his friends and I didn't take his stupid money. I wanna be with you ok I like you!" Tom said in a hushed tone. My eyes darted from the ground to Tom. My mind raced with thoughts...

So he likes me?
He did make a bet to date me...
But he doesn't like Brian
And he didn't take the money.
I like him...

I focused on my breathing for a a while. He doesn't want to be with me. This is all a joke. I shake my head and start backing away from Tom.

"Let's just do us both a favour and end whatever this fake façade was okay" I swallow a shaky breath and look at Tom.

"Em please-" God he doesn't know when to quit. I turn around and start walking away from him.

"At least let me drive you home" Tom yelled. Ignored him and continued to walk trying to find my way home. Tom didn't follow me thank god. My heart ached and my head hurt.

He really sucks...

A Simple BetWhere stories live. Discover now