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After leaving the kitchen and away from Ryan I ended up in the living room. I scan the room for Tom, seeing him talking with Brian made me tense up and I stood there frozen losing all my boldness and confidence.

Tom noticed me standing there confused and made his way to you excusing himself from Brian and his friends.

"Hey!" Tom smiled at me, I nervously stood there pulling my dress down again. Can this get any more awkward?

"Um...hi," I said with a shaky voice. I decided not to tell Tom about Ryan it wasn't important right...?

Tom could tell this was not my type of environment, so he grabbed my hand and headed through the crowd of people and brought me to the back yard and lead me onto the balcony.

"Wow! the view is beautiful," I say under my breath thinking Tom didn't hear.

"Yeah I'd hoped you'd like it," Tom said as he smiled a cheeky grin at me. We both stood there leaning against the balcony as Tom keeps scooting closer to me. I hide a small smile.

I felt my cheeks grow a dark shade of red and the panic fill up, as Tom placed his hand on mine. I started to mentally freak out as Tom looked at me. I turn my body towards Tom as we both leaned in closer.

I swallowed hard not knowing what to do I closed my eyes as I felt Tom's hot breath close to my lips. Just as you thought things were getting good...

"HEYYY TOMO!" Someone yelled walking onto the balcony. Startling Tom and I. We both whip our heads to see Michale stumbling over to us obviously drunk. Tom noticed how close he was to me and stepped back. That hurt a little but I tried not to show it. Nothing was going to happen anyway...

"Heyyy Tommy Briannn wants youuuu," Michale said slurring words trying to stand straight as he left the two of us alone again.

"I... um, should go see what he wants?" Tom said as he started walking away. 

"Yeah sure," I smiled as I followed him off the balcony. Tom spilt ways with me as I stood in the living room looking around.

After a while I got bored and Tom still hasn't come back for me so I decided to go look for him.

I push past people that were forming crowds and dancing everywhere, the flashing lights were making me slightly dizzy and the loud music was hurting my ears...

I made my way past half the crowd when I turn my head to see Tom chatting it up with some girl that clearly wasn't Brian...

He wasn't doing anything with the girl but talking but it still hurt to see him hanging out with someone other than me when he invited me to this stupid party... this is definitely not jealousy.


Who cares about some dumb boy. I came to this dumb party. I lifted my life now I just had to figure out how to get out of this house...

"HEY FARMGIRL!" Someone shouted from across the room, I turn my head to see Michale and Ryan shuffling towards me roughly pushing past people.

I feel the panic start to rise in me again and I push and shove people trying to find the door to leave. Them charging towards like that didn't seem like a good sign I had to get out of here now! The darkroom with sweaty intoxicated people dancing every which way was not helping.

I somehow get pushed up against a wall by someone dancing. I feel up against the wall finding the front door. Thankful I open it and rush outside we're it was dark and cold. This was such a shitty idea coming here. 

The cold wind blew in my hair and chills went up to my spine. I rubbed my hands up and down my bare arms to keep warm. Trying my best to navigate and adjust my eyes in the dark someone grabbed my arms and threw them behind my back. 

"OW WHAT THE-!" I squirmed around in the person's arms holding me back trying to be set free, how can this happen a second time today...?

"Let me go you a-holes!" I scream as try to wiggle my way out, a hand goes flying to my mouth.

"Shut up!" I look up to see Ryan's hand on my mouth and Brian walking up behind him laughing, making Michale the one holding me back? Brian pushed Ryan out of the way and lifted my chin forcefully making me look at him.

"You think you're so cool since you dressed up all fancy and came to her first party huh farmgirl?!" Brian said as he slowly squeezes my face making me wince in pain a little.

Brian lifted his hand in the air motioning he was going to hit me. I squeeze my eyes shut waiting for the impact of Brian's hand on my cheek. But nothing came. 

"HEY GET AWAY FROM HER!" I open my eyes to see Tom shout as he fast-walked over to me and the guys. Michale let go of me and I fell to the ground. Brian came near my ear as he whispered "You're lucky your loverboy is here we'll see how long that lasts" he winked.

I looked at Brian confused as he and his goons laugh and walk back into the party. Tom came over to me helping me off the ground.

"Hey, are you ok" I push him off me and dusted off my dress. Pissed how south this night has been going.

"Fine just take me home" I walked away from Tom and headed to his parked car. 

Tom got in the car and stared at it. He looked at me wanting to say something to ease my nerves but no words would come out, he didn't know what to say.

Once we reached my apartment complex the car came to a halt. I quickly got out and slammed the door and started to walk away from Tom.

"Em- Emery come on," Tom said as he chased me, I ignored him as I kept walking, Tom could practically see the steam coming from my ears... clearly pissed no shame in hiding it now.

Tom caught up to me and walked by my side trying to get my attention. I kept walking ignoring his presence digging in my purse for my keys.

Tom finally had enough and grabbed my arm trying to turn me to face him. I flinched quickly pushing his hand away when I winced in pain since it was the same arm Ryan and Michale grabbed you with.

"Ow," I said with a low tone. Rubbing my even sore arm.

"Oh god I'm sorry Emmy," Tom said worriedly

"Stop calling me that just leave me alone," I said trying not to cry as I was filled with so many different emotions.

"Emery please can we talk-" I cut Tom off by screaming at him. I lost control of all my emotions and senses.

"GOD TOM CAN YOU PLEASE GO AWAY! I don't want to talk. If you wanna talk go talk with that girl you were hanging out with earlier. " I grabbed my keys and opened the door and went inside slamming it right behind me. Leaving Tom standing there feeling horrible.

I didn't realize the tears that were falling down my cheeks and that Ava and Tay were still at my apartment waiting for me. I walked right past them entering my room falling right onto my bed.

I heard a knock on the door, I pull the sheets over my head choosing to ignore the person at the door.

"Em?" Tays gentle voice echoed through your room. She peeked her head through the door, walking over to me. Tay took a seat beside me and rubbed my back letting me know she was there.

"I never should have gone to that stupid party" I huffed at Tay, she could barely hear my muffled voice from underneath the covers but she managed to understand most of what I was trying to say...

"I'm so sorry," Tay whispered.

A Simple BetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon