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I got out of bed and made myself a bowl of cereal. I leaned against the counter and started to eat. As I was eating Ava and Tay barge into the apartment. They were talking to each other as they walk right past me.

"Hey, guys!" I said with a mouth full of cereal.

"Hey baby," Ava said as she went through my fridge and grabbed some food. Tay sat on the counter across from me on her phone. This is a normal thing for them to do on weekends. Them crashing at my place stealing all my food and hanging out over the weekend.

"So? excited for today?" Tay cooed at me, I rolled my eyes at her.

"Hey come on it's a big day you're going to your first party and your first date!" Ava said as she bit into an apple.

"I am going to make you look fabulous!" Ava screamed with a huge smile on her face

"Make me look decent it's not a fashion show," I said as you place my bowl in the sink and sit beside Tay.

"Decent? I'm going to make you look like a whole model!" Ava said her smile only growing.

"No I can't have anyone looking at me" I looked down feeling overwhelmed thinking about the party and Tom...

"Anyone but Tom" Tay poked my side and I flinched blushing a little.

"Nooo oh my god..." I smack Tays hand away from your side as I try to hide, my face as it turns bright red again. The day seemed to go by faster than I wanted but hanging out with Ava and Tay was a blast.

But before I knew it, there were two hours before the party. I started to panic and kept checking the time over and over.

"Em you need to calm down" Ava rubbed my shoulders as I shifted in the chair I was sitting in.

"I can't" I rubbed my head as Tay lifted my chin so she could start on your make-up. I wiggle and squirmed in the chair as Tay applied blush.

"Stop moving" Tay poked me.

"Ow I'm sorry I'm nervous" I whinnied Ava laughed as she sat on the bed scrolling through her phone waiting for Tay to be finished with her makeup.

Finally, Tay finished my make-up but wouldn't let me look till after I put on your dress. Ava grabbed the dress and some jewelry she brought from home and shoved me into the bathroom to change.

I walked out of the bathroom tugging at the bottom of the dress so it wouldn't be so short. Ava and Tay squealed looking at me. I turn around to look at myself in the mirror. I didn't even recognize myself.

"Well?" I look at Tay and Ava nervously biting my lip anxiously waiting for their answer.

"Model vibes!" Ava yelled in excitement.

"You look great" both girls complimented. I nervously smile at them and then we hear a knock at the door. I check the time and it's eight on the dot. Fuck.

Ava jumps off the bed running towards the door Tay not far behind her. I hurriedly rushed to catch up to them before they got to the door. Too late...

"Hey, Tom," both girls say as they whip their heads towards me giggling. I was out of view from Tom so he hasn't seen me yet, so I hid behind the fridge covering my face. Tay walked over to me and smacked my hand away from my face.

"Don't ruin my hard work!" She huffed I rolled my eyes and started to bunch up the bottom of my dress. I was so nervous. Ava chatted with Tom waiting for us to come over as she kept eyeballing me and Tay.

"I can't do this Tay" I whispered to her tears almost forming in my eyes.

"Hey hey, breath it's a party with a 'friend' you got this ok" Tay rubbed my shoulder and tried to loosen me up a little. It's just a party. Relax you're okay...

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