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Tom's POV...

"Yeah, the party starts at eight" I hung up the phone and looked around my house. It looked decently clean but I forgot to buy some alcohol so I grabbed my keys and went to get some.

As I was leaving my house I noticed that someone was moving into the apartment across the hall from me. I hope they're nice... maybe I should stop by later and introduce myself?

I got a couple of cases of alcohol and headed back into my apartment I realized it was a little late and the party probably already started. Great! As I was unlocking my door I felt like I was being watched I turned my head and the apartment's door across from mine door slammed right away I didn't get a good look at the person bummer. I walk into my party and see a couple of people I knew and waved to some new people.

"Heyyy Tombo nice party!" Brian said as he reached for a can of alcohol as I placed them on the counter.

"Thanks" I nodded my head and went to go mingle with some new people. The party was raging for another couple of hours the music was pumping and everyone was having a good time.

Then someone came up to me saying there was someone at the door. So I wiggled my way through the crowd of people making my way to the door.

I opened the door and saw a pretty girl standing there looking a little confused. I don't know why she didn't just come in it is a party?

"Hey, you here for the party...?" I asked the girl and my eyes wander over her body questioning her choice of clothing then noticing her chest. Wishing that I didn't because she noticed me staring and quickly covered herself with her arms. I felt bad for making her uncomfortable.

"Um I live across from you..." she turned her body pointing to her place. So this is the girl that lives across from me she's cute.

"Ok...?" I was a little confused as to why she was here. Was she here for the party was this way for her filtering?

"Um your music is a little loud and I have school in the morning could you maybe turn it down...?" She asked

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." I felt bad knowing that my first impression of her was by throwing this party great she gonna think of one of those frat boys...

"I'm Tom by the way or Tommy if you want!" She smiled a gorgeous smile at me.

"Emery" I smiled when she said her name she seemed different. Better yet she seemed nervous but she's isn't throwing herself on me?

"I'm gonna go have a goodnight Tom" she turned around and walked back to her place. She somehow had me memorized by her. My eyes felt like they were glued to her I could watch her all day. She waved to me and closed her door. I think it will be fun living across from her!

I went back inside my house and went straight to the DJ station and turn down the music. I made my way to the kitchen to grab myself a drink but bumped into Brian instead.

"Heyyy Tombo how you doing" his words were slurred he was stumbling and couldn't even stand straight. He was definitely drunk and out of it.

The party lasted for another two hours and I helped drunk people into cabs and making sure they got home safely. After everyone was gone I crashed on the couch not even bothered to clean the mess that was left behind.

I squinted and rubbed my eyes as the sun shone through the window and onto my face. I was exhausted maybe throwing a party wasn't the best idea since I had school. I got up off the couch and kicked some of the garbage away making my way to the bathroom to get ready.

I got to school still a little tired but I had to power through. I walked around the halls passing the library and making my way to the office. I grabbed my schedule and took a look. I passed most of my classes on the way to the office but I couldn't figure out where my first class was.

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