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"Yeah you can place that box over there" I pointed to the kitchen counter as I placed the box I was holding on the ground and turned to my mom who was doing the same.

"Don't make that face mom" I rolled my eyes at her

"I can't believe my baby is all grown up, living in your own apartment last year of school!" She wipes her eyes as tears started to form.

"Mooommmm" I rolled my eyes at her again as I started unpacking a box. She laughed as she mocked me and walked over to help me some more.

"Hey Emmy did you see the boy across the hall he seems your age maybe you should go talk to him!" My mom said with ease as she bumped my shoulder in a playful kind of way.

"Yeah yeah, mom ok" not fully listening to her I finished unpacking your last box. I stepped back to admire my work. I gazed over my fully furnished room and a smile crossed over my face. My mom came behind me and rub my back.

"Looks good?" I asked wanting her approval.

"Looks like home" she smiled her warm smile at me and I returned it.

"It's getting late I'm going to head home alright" I nodded my head-turning so I could hug her. It was going to be weird not living with my mom anymore. It's always been just me and her. I never knew my dad and I didn't really care.

I only needed my mom and she was the best. She was my best friend the person who took care of me the person I relied on. Other than my two best friends Ava and Tay.

I met them in middle school and have stuck with each other ever since. I loved Ava and Tay, They were the only people who understood me and they were basically my only friends. As I wasn't very social with most people.

I open the door for my mom and waved goodbye. She blew a kiss my way and walked down to the lobby. As I was closing the door I noticed a boy walking into the apartment across from mine.

His hair was a soft brown, his curls fell on his forehead, his white shirt tugged his muscles in all the right places. My lips parted slightly as I got lost in thought thinking if this was the boy my mom mentioned earlier? He was kinda cute and my heart flutters a little bit.

I quickly in a fast motion slammed my door before I could be noticed by the unfamiliar boy who was turning his head in my direction. I didn't want to get caught staring and save myself from embarrassment for thinking the boy across the hall was cute.

I got ready for bed as it getting extremely late. I dug through endless boxes trying to find some pj's to wear as I had the first day of my senior year of high school.

Most people would probably be excited for their senior year with all their friends and people you've known since elementary school all hanging out being 'cute and popular'.

I was definitely not thrilled as I was not popular nor cute. I was merely invisible in most people's eyes in that school. Expect the popular boy and girls. For some reason, I was their target their victim of picking on and bullying.

It started in my first year of high school when I once wore overalls to school and they all called me farm girl and haven't stopped. It's been four years you'd think they would have matured.

Nope. Every day they walked past me knocking my books over or tipping my drink or calling me names.

I'm so used to it at this point it's part of my daily routine. I don't mind it anymore though. Sure it hurts getting picked on for four years straight but you learn to ignore it sometimes...

I finally found some shorts and a t-shirt. I slipped your bra off throwing it who knows where and climbed into bed. I honestly wasn't excited to go to school at all. All I could think of was the way everyone would look at me in the hallways.

The only reason I was going was so my mom wouldn't kill me and I get to see Ava and Tay every day so that's a plus. As I was getting comfy in bed there was a loud booming and music was pounding in my ears.

Of course one of your neighbours had to be throwing a party the night before school. I groaned into my pillow hoping that the loud music would possibly quiet down soon.

After about twenty minutes of no sleep and loud music still banging off the walls, I had enough. I got out of bed and walked over to my front door. I opened it and right across from me, I could hear the extremely loud music coming from the boy across the hall's apartment.


I walked over to his front door and knocked. No answer. So I knocked again... Soon the door opened, I looked past his shoulder to see a bunch of people dancing and as my head moved I made eye contact with him. It was the boy I saw earlier.

As I was face to face with him I noticed his brown eyes sparked and his fluffy hair was now gelled back and his lips curled into a smile. He reeked a little bit of alcohol but I don't think he was drunk.

"Hey, you here for the party...?"  The boy had a thick British accent and his eyes travelled from my face down to my chest. As you followed his eyes I realize I wasn't wearing a bra so I quickly crossed my arms over my chest as my face was flushed with a tint of red.

"Um, I live across from you..." I turned my body slightly pointing to my place as the boy's eyes followed my finger.

"Ok...?" he was somewhat confused and I could tell on the look of his face.

"Um your music is a little loud and I have school in the morning could you maybe turn it down...?" I asked

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." He nodded and smiled at me. He had a nice smile.

"I'm Tom by the way or Tommy if you want!" I smiled at him

"Emery" I looked down to the ground as it got quite awkward

"I'm gonna go have a goodnight Tom" I turned to my heels and walked back to my apartment as Tom's eyes laid on me with great insanity as he watched me walk back to my apartment. I turned and waved to him and closed the door.

My heart was racing and not in a good way
ok maybe a little bit in a good way but my anxiety was through the roof. I was so scared and couldn't believe I talked to Tom without running away or crying.

I got comfortable in bed once again dreading the hours till I had to go back to school again.

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