On hold

392 4 8

I'm putting this book on hold for, idk, a couple weeks? Max 2 weeks?

Actually, that's for all my books. Why? I'm a depressed shit. Mental health has hit me back hard in the face and I can't seem to get back up.

I don't have anyone to talk to about my issues, my "friends" are being bitches and don't give a shit about me or how I feel, and the amount of homework I'm getting is disgusting.

If I don't do 3 homeworks I get a detention, but I can't do them because I have all these fucking depression thoughts clogging my brain, not stupid annotating or algebra.

And if I get detentions then my parents (or well, my mom, I have no dad) gets mad at me since I apparently have no reasonable excuse for not doing them.

My sister's got her own issues and even if I told her about myself she has her own things to deal with I don't want to give her more stress. Besides, what can she do? My friends are the problem.

I don't even want to go to school anymore due to having literally no real friends anymore, plus I have stupidly strict teachers who will probably ask me a billion questions if I don't go.

So you probably skipped reading all that, and I don't blame you since it's literally me explaining how shit my life is. If any of you wanted to chat to me in the dm's, WE CANT, because stupidass Wattpad won't allow me to.

Just wanted to say that, goodbye.

Hopefully I'll see you soon.

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