Mythicals vs Legendaries

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Dialga: wait a second, what's even the difference between Mythicals and Legendaries?
Arceus: ....uh-
Arceus: you can't catch mythicals unless an event happens?
Palkia: wot
Arceus: I mean.. oh forget it this is too much for my small brain to handle

Arceus: ANYWAYS this is a battle between Mythicals and Legendaries 'cause why not
Xerneas: that's not fair, you're a Mythical
Xerneas: you're more powerful than us
Arceus: no I mean.. uh-
Rayquaza: oh god the fucking kids are fighting again hold on
Kyrogue and Groudon: *throwing pieces of Regirock to each other*
Regirock: what did I do to deserve this
Arceus: wait no I didn't mean like fight-battle, I meant-
Dialga: hmmm?
Arceus: ..a.. a ROAST BATTLE
Everyone but Arceus: ....

Arceus: *pushes Mythicals to one side and draws a line on the floor* don't pass this line unless I say so
Celebi: I can't insult my friends!
Diancie: ha ha tough luck
Mew: Arceus I have a child to take care of
Arceus: Mew I have a competition to take care of
Mew: I-

Arceus: *pushes Legendaries to one side*
Arceus: weren't you listening, I said we were gonna do a roast battle
Reshiram: no I wasn't listening, I was too busy having a staring contest with Zekrom
Zekrom: and I won hahahaha
Reshiram: shut

Arceus: ok who'd like to go first?
Jirachi: hey I have an idea
Arceus: hmmmmmmmmmst?
Jirachi: how about we go up generations?
Arceus: uh ok then
Arceus: Mew vs Mewtwo first I guess
Mewtwo: ah hell yeah
Mew: you're going to the naughty corner for this
Mewtwo: *sticks tongue out*

Match 1: Mew vs Mewtwo

*insert song in the bg*

Mewtwo: Hey Mew, guess what, you're just a weaker version of me
Mew: well I'm not the clone here, am I sweetie?
Mewtwo: oh shut up, I was made for a reason
Mew: and that was probably for you to cause treason!
Mewtwo: listen here punk, I can flick you away right now
Mew: but you wouldn't cause without me you wouldn't know how
Mewtwo: who beat Genesect? I did, not you!
Genesect: hey!
Mew: but still without be you wouldn't even be alive!

Arceus: you stopped rhyming that's it I've had enough from you two
Mewtwo: guessing I won huh
Arceus: ...uh lemme check hold on *opens a computer shaped like a donut*
Latias: oh of course.
Arceus: ok my donut says Mew won
Mew: HA
Mewtwo: YOU WOT
Arceus: listen here I'm god and if I say you loose then you loose
Mewtwo: frick you
Mew: now the naughty corner
Mewtwo: I-
Arceus: anyways, next is Celebi vs Lugia according to my donut

Mythicals 1-0 legendaries

Match 2: Celebi vs Lugia

Celebi: hey there Lugia, having fun being stuck in the sea?
Lugia: listen here Celebi, at least I'm not a Regi!
Celebi: whats gotta do with them? Oh wait, they're stronger than you!
Lugia: are they really? Try battling one and see how long you can last too!
Celebi: I could easily time travel, I'm not stuck in the same boring place
Lugia: well I'd like to see you successfully go into space
Celebi: at least I'd get away from your stupid storms!
Lugia: well then have fun dealing with Deoxys' different forms!

Arceus: ok thats enough guys
Celebi: I'm pretty sure I won that one
Lugia: you literally just said you couldn't roast another Pokémon like 5 minutes ago
Celebi: shut
Arceus: according to my donut Lugia won
Lugia: HA, YUS BOI
Celebi: oh well, you're not winning
Lugia: nor are you
Arceus: ok next is Rayquaza vs Deoxys

Mythicals 1-1 Legendaries

Match 3: Rayquaza vs Deoxys

Rayquaza: look at this virus, surprised anyone would wanna catch you
Deoxys: Stop acting like you're the best, you could get scared by a single "boo!"

Arceus: actually, I'm pretty sure that's you
Deoxys: you're a mythical too why aren't you on my side

Rayquaza: well I am the best, 'cause I got a MEGA form!
Deoxys: the only reason I didn't get one was because I could already transform!
Rayquaza: what are you, some sort of model star?

Deoxys: I- you wot
Rayquaza: I mean seriously tho you have thighs
Deoxys: ...I'm just gonna pretend I never heard that

Deoxys: it's kinda funny how you're weak to fairy types!
Rayquaza: don't you think it's stupid that you're weak to bug types?
Deoxys: that's not rhymi- I mean no of course not, I can rip them apart in a second
Rayquaza: to be honest you can't I reckon

Arceus: ok that's enough Rayquaza can't even rhyme anymore
Rayquaza: I ran out of ideas, ok?
Deoxys: yeah I can tell you did when you said I had thighs
Rayquaza: ..but you do
Deoxys: you are not ok
Arceus: guys the thing is over now, we're onto gen 4
Rayquaza: *gets sent to hospital because it is actually sick*
Deoxys: who won?
Arceus: tbh you both did terrible but the donuts says you because Rayquaza ran out of ideas
Deoxys: yUS-

Arceus: mk anyways this round is... Oh! Me vs Dialga
Darkrai: I exist you know
Arceus: shut I am doing it this time
Dialga: that's not fair! You're gonna say you won!
Arceus: my donut decides not me

Mythicals 2-1 Legendaries

Match 4: Arceus vs Dialga

Dialga: what a pathetic god you are, you can't even make stable life!
Arceus: you were the one who made it, it was like cutting donuts with a knife
Dialga: I- anyways, I can control time, and what can you do?
Arceus: I am god, I can do literally anything to you
Dialga: everybody thinks your existence is a myth!
Arceus: are you any different, 'cause in the timeline I'm pretty sure you're fifth
Dialga: well, it looks like you can't count
Arceus: actually I can, you just gotta learn to recount
Dialga: oh shut it, I did everything you wanted!
Arceus: well no you didn't, 'cause you let humans get haunted
Dialga: that was Giratina not me-

Arceus: ok donut don't let me down, I MUST have won that one
Dialga: you know it's bad luck saying "I must have won that one."
Arceus: is 'cause it said you fucking won
Dialga: Ha, nice
Arceus: ok Victini, don't let me down
Victini: I'll uh, try-

Mythicals 2-2 Legendaries

Match 5: Victini vs Kyurem

Victini: aww, are you sad you lost your final form?
Kyurem: well I'm not 'cause I'm still more powerful, even as a deform!
Victini: that's not true because I ALWAYS WIN!
Kyurem: what bullshit, to me I just see a bin
Victini: bet you're scared that you're gonna loose this battle?
Kyurem: no I'm not, cause you look like you just came from a cattle!
Victini: listen here you little shit, you know you're gonna loose
Kyurem: how could I loose to someone who acts like a goose?

Arceus: damn Kyurem, anyways that's the end
Victini: I'm gonna shut up now 'cause I don't want bad luck
Kyurem: why? cause you know you're gonna loose?
Victini: shut up, you know how lucky I am
Arceus: sorry Victini my donut doesn't do the pokedex
Victini: you WOT
Arceus: uh Kyurem won
Kyurem: HA
Victini: b-but that's impossible!
Arceus: ikr anyways next is Diancie vs Xerneas

Mythicals 2-3 Legendaries

Match 6: Diancie vs Xerneas

Diancie: who's more valuable? C'mon, guess who
Xerneas: look, I don't give a heck that it's you
Diancie: did you create life, cause you did a bad job at it!
Xerneas: well, everyone else seems to appreciate it!
Diancie: I'm the most beautiful sight that anyone could see!
Xerneas: really? 'Cause I just see a chickpea!
Diancie: well look who's talking!
Xerneas: to see how bad your roasts are is honestly shocking.
Diancie: you didn't even rhyme the first time
Xerneas: so what? Is it a crime?

Arceus: well, that went well
Diancie: yeah, for me!
Xerneas: say that again when I win
Arceus: skeddadle skedoodle my donuts says Diancie won
Diancie: HAHA!
Xerneas: OH SHIT
Arceus: well it looks like it was a tie since our author can't be bothered to write any for gen 7 and 8

End score: Mythicals 3-3 Legendaries

Yay it was a tie :D

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