The other Yunho laughed at Rory's awkwardness. "Don't worry. Just because I look like your boyfriend, doesn't mean I magically fall in love with you. I'm not even into women." 

"Oh. OH.", Rory said embarrassed. After a few seconds Rory awkwardly lifted her hands and gestured to the ship. "I should really, uhm, go so bye!" 

While walking away Rory could hear the other Yunho laugh at her and wondered how someone could embarrass themselves like this. When she reached the ship, she was already pulled into a hug by Seonghwa. 

"Why are you so red?", he asked worried and checked her temperature but Rory pushed away his hand, knowing it was just her embarrassment. 

"I'm fine. How are the guys? Hongjoong?" 

Seonghwa rolled his eyes. "Hongjoong's still not eating enough but he's going to be fine. The rest of the idiots is trying to make the ship ready without his commands." 

"And, uhm, where is he?", Rory asked quietly, making Seonghwa laugh. 

"Fixing the closet in the galley. Mingi accidently broke it while helping Wooyoung." 


Happy to see him again, Rory climbed down the ladder into the ship and went to the galley. She had only been there once but luckily the ship itself wasn't big so she immediately found it since the door was open. 

Yunho stood there, his back facing Rory, humming a melody she didn't know while trying to figure out how to fix the closet. His shirt was sweaty and Rory could see the bandages around his arms. 

Slowly, to not startle him, she went closer and wrapped her arms around his torso, making Yunho turn around in surprise. When he recognized her, he let out a laugh. 

"You're lucky I'm not easily scared.", he said and quickly kissed Rory's cheek. 

"Except for horses." 

"They're big, and scary!", Yunho argued but then pouted. "I woke up pretty lonely today." 

"I'm really sorry.", Rory said, feeling actually guilty. "I got woken up by my brother." 

Yunho avoided her eyes, trying to act cold. "Nothing can heal my broken heart." 

"Nothing?", Rory asked with a grin. Then she leaned up and kissed his neck. "What about this?" A kiss on his cheek followed and Yunho had to hold his forming smile back. "Or this?" Then Rory finally put her lips on his and Yunho melted under her touch. 

"This could work.", he whispered. "Maybe one more try?" 

Rory smiled and kissed him again, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him closer. She could feel the happiness filling her body and was pretty sad when they had to break the kiss to catch their breath.  

"Am I now forgiven?", Rory asked cutely, making Yunho's smile grow even wider. 

"I was never really angry at you." 

"How are you?", Rory asked worried, trying to hide the blush on her face when Yunho put his arms around her waist. 

"The injuries are annoying and I can't do everything I want to do."

"Did anyone change your bandages?" 

Yunho shook his head. With a gasp Rory started scolding him. "They need to be changed or else the dirt would get into the wounds." 

"Then you do it.", Yunho simply said. In fact, the injuries weren't that bad and he actually didn't really care about the bandages but it touched him how worried Rory was about him. And of course he didn't have anything against her touching him. 

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