~ Chapter Twenty-One ~

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~{Izuku's POV}~

The bell rings. Everyone runs out of the school in laughter and joy. It's finally Christmas break! Only four more days till the actually celebration- but Iida thought it would be fun to host a party on Christmas Eve. Which I am excited for... after all we get to exchange presents and other fun stuff!

I run over to Shouto, who is standing beside Uraraka. I walk in the middle of them, and grab onto their shoulders. I see the small blush on Shouto's cheeks, so I kiss him which then makes the light shade of pink slowly disappear. 

"It's finally winter break! I'm so excited for Iida's Christmas party! And wait till you see the gifts I got you two..." Uraraka says, then smirking at the end of her sentence.

"My gift isn't the most expensive, but I think you will like it none the less Uraraka-chan! And Shouto, I won't be giving any hints but let's just say I'm taking my time on it." I tell my friends.

"Okay, I'll probably love it. You know, this is my first Christmas spent with someone. I've never had friends, a boyfriend, anything really. I most I usually got for Christmas was extra work from my old man." Shouto says, too casual for the words that was coming out of his mouth.

Uraraka and I turn to him in shock. I knew he wasn't the most loved as a child, but I didn't know he's never had a real Christmas with someone before!

"To be fair, I didn't have many friends either. I usually spent it with Kacchan and his family, along with my mom of course. I did get a nice amount of gifts, mostly being All Might related stuff. I just- feel bad that not everyone was as fortunate as I am. That's why I want to make sure you have the best Christmas possible Shouchan!" I say to him.

"..... Shouchan?" 

"Y-yeah! Like the nickname? I can always change it if you want, I know you might think it's weird or I-"

"Izuku, I like it. I also appreciate that you want to make have an amazing Christmas, even though I barely know what that means. I just know it's going to be spectacular, coming from you and all." 

I burst out into redness, holding both of Shouto's- now Shouchan's hands. 

"I'm gonna go back home guys. Iida and I have a date tonight, and I need to get ready. Bye lovebirds!" Uraraka says, then giggling and running towards the direction of her house.


"Shouchan? Do you think a red or green tie will look nice?" I ask.

Today's the day of Iida's Christmas party. Sounds fun, right? The problem is, I'm not really the one to have fancy clothes. After all, the fanciest thing I've been to is probably Kacchan's birthday parties. And that's saying something- 

"Both look amazing on you, darling." He says back to me. 

I look at him with a soft smile while walking over to give him a kiss on the cheek. I notice a bit of redness on my face, which honestly looks adorable oh my god I'm freaking out how do I act again someone please help me- 

"Izuku, you're rambling." 

Did. I. Say. That. Out. Loud. 

"I should probably stop saying things out loud, haha." 

"No, don't... It's really cute." I hear Shouchan say with a soft face.

I blush, then hold out my hand to take Shouto's. We walk outside, going towards the direction of Iida's house, which we surprisingly never seen before.

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