~ Chapter Six ~

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~{Deku's POV}~

I wake up and walk to my kitchen to eat breakfast. "Good Morning Mom!" I say to her as getting a bowl of cereal to eat. (i dont think they eat cereal in japan but just go along with it skjjfkd)

My mom says good morning back and I eat my cereal peacefully. 'Today is my date with Shouto!' I remember. 

I decide to go for a walk to the park after finishing my cereal. I put on a red jacket with matching sweats that used to be my cousins.

I jog there and notice something. Oh great, Kacchan's here. 

I try to pass him slowly but that doesn't end up going as planned.


"O-oh um sorry Kacchan! I'm trying to go for a walk and I happen to run into y-you."


I started getting dizzy and then...

Everything blacked out.


I wake up in a hospital. Wait is that Shouto? And my mom?

"W-what happened?"

"Izuku, your awake! You just passed out and fortunately Bakugou was there. He called for help and your mom told me about what happened. I think Bakugou was part of the problem though..." Shouto says to me.

"Wait I passed out... That hasn't happened in forever! The last time it had happened was 2 years ago and it was at-" I get stopped from rambling when Shouto's lips touch mine. 

"What about our date? Am I allowed to go out now?"

"Yes you can Izuku! Let's get home so we can get you ready for your date!" My mom says to me.

We drive home and I take a shower. I blow-dry my bushy green hair and put on my outfit.

I wear my new red sweater I got from the mall, along with a white collared shift underneath. I put on the light-wash blue baggy jeans and decide to cuff them. I slip on my red sneakers I've had since elementary school. 

I think I'm ready. Don't mess this up Izuku.

I go on a phone while waiting for his car to show up, watching All Might videos. 


Shouto's car pulls up. It's about time for my first ever date.

"Bye Mom!" I say to her as I walk out of the door. I open the car door to Shouto's Porsche and sit in the front sit with him.

"Hello Shouto!"

"Hello Izuku. You look amazing tonight." He says, then giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Shouto drives to where we will be having dinner while we laugh, listening to music we like, and enjoying each other's company.

We finally get there and we get seated to our table. The waiter comes and says, "Hello how may I help you?" They seem very interested in Shouto and seems to be ignoring me.

"I'll have water to start off with, how about you Izu?" Shouto says to me. He's so amazing.

"I'll have a water aswell." I say with a smile on my face.

The waiter brings water for us and we order our food. Me and Shouto are having such an amazing time, I'm falling hard for him. 

"Shouto, there's been something I've been meaning to tell you." I say to him.

"What is it?" He says while drinking his glass of water.

"S-so, remember how 20% of the population can't see colors until they have found their soulmate? W-well-" I get interrupted by the waiter who brings our food.

"Enjoy your dinner!" She says while winking at Shouto. I roll my eyes and take a bite of my Katsudon.

"So what were you saying Izuku?" 

"O-oh it can wait till later." I say with a smile on my face.

He kisses me on the cheek and we eat while talking and enjoying each other's company.


We finish our dinner and it's time to pay.

"Shouto, I can pay for myself." I tell my boyfriend.

"No you aren't Izu. By the way, this is my father's money. And even if it wasn't , I'd still pay." She says kissing me.

"Okay okay, fine. You aren't getting away with this next time though."

We walk to his car and I notice he isn't driving to where my house is.

"Where are we going Sho?" I say to him.

"Somewhere, you'll see."

He drives to some random park and I notice it's a big hill near the one our school. Much more steep though..

"Let's watch the stars." He says with a small smile on his face.

We walk to the edge of the cliff and I start to get worried.

"Sho, I'm scared. What if we fall?"

"I'll be holding on to you tight to that way you won't." He says while cuddling me.

We watch the stars together while cuddling. This is one of the best nights ever. Especially since I get to spend it with Shouto.

Here's some fluff, I hope you enjoyed!!

Also i need some angst kdjhjsklasdjh

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