~ Chapter Fourteen ~

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~{Izuku's POV}~

The detectives go over things to do and continue doing, to keep us from being safe. This person could be out to target me and Shouto..... which is why we need to take precautions. 

We eventually get to leave soon, I wanted to go eat somewhere, but that might not be the safest option. Instead, Shouto and I decide to get take-out and eat it at home. 


I hear the sound of an alarm, waking me up. I'm wrapped in Shouto's arms at the moment, which loosen up once he hears the alarm as well.

We haven't gone to school for a week now, and everyone might be wondering where we are. I'm not sure if it's still a good idea to go back, but we're going to do so anyway.

I get out of bed, and Shouto does too. We brush our teeth, while I'm still half-asleep. I go to our closet, and I get my uniform on. 

I wonder what everyone is going to say.... I haven't told Iida, Uraraka, Kacchan, and the others about this situation. I don't really want to either, considering it's personal. 

I grab my All Might themed bag, and head out of the door with Shouto. We decide not to walk to school, considering it may be dangerous. Rei drives us there, while hold onto one another.

We get there after 2 minutes, since his house is close to U.A. We get out of the car, and walk to our class. We walk into the room, only to find out we're the last ones to get there. Everyone is whispering around us.... we just decide to ignore it and walk to our seats. Thankfully, Mr. Aizawa got there soon after.

"Welcome back to class, Midoriya and Todoroki. Now, onto today's lesson." He says, then sharing what we will be doing today. We have to get into partners and study the soulmate color disorder. Great, just great.

 I should really tell Shouto about it, I'm just worried as to what he'll say. What if he thinks I lied to him? The reason I didn't tell him is because I didn't want him to assume things. I'm sure he's my soulmate though. 

(plot twist his soulmate is mineta)

Aizawa finishes speaking and tells us to find our partner. I run over to Shouto's desk, in hopes that nobody else will ask me. Shouto is kind of a loner, so it doesn't seem like anyone, besides me, will ask him. 

"Shouto, want to work together." I say to him.

"Obviously, who else would I work with." Good point. "Do you know anyone personally with the soulmate color disorder?" I want to tell him. I have to. The problem is, everyone is around us. Anyone could hear. I don't want anyone else to find out, just Shoto-kun. 

"A-about that, can I tell you something related to that later?" I say, nervously. 

"Of course you can Izuku." He says, then kissing my forehead. People obviously knew we were dating, I was just a little embarrassed of the PDA. 

We decide to research on our laptops, which doesn't go as planned. For most of that class period, we're just talking, laughing, and overall enjoying each other's company.

The lunch bell rings. This is what I was worried about all day. Before I took a week off, I usually sat with Shouto, Uraraka, and Iida. I think Shouto and I might try and get a table ourselves though, considering I don't want anyone else to know about the situation. 

"Deku! I was wonder-" Uraraka says but then shortly gets interrupted by Shouto-kun. 

"Uraraka. Please don't ask him about it." He says, trying to appear protective. I like him like this and all, but I think we should tell Uraraka-san that it's personal. Not completely shut her out.

"Shouto-kun it's fine! Uraraka-san, it's kinda personal. I'll tell you everything later, for now I just want to keep things to myself. I hope you don't mind, but I think I'm going to sit alone with Shouto today. I'll go back to sitting with you and Iida-kun eventually, I just need some space." I said to her.

"O-okay! Feel better Deku!" 

Shouto and I walk to the lunch tables outside. We didn't want to go in the cafeteria, considering how many people were in there. 

"Sorry if I acted rude to Uraraka back there. If you didn't already notice, I'm not that good at talking to people and I may come across as rude."

"Shouto! It's okay! There's no need to apologize. You're just being yourself, and that's why I love you." 

He smiles and kisses me on the lips. "I love you too."


We eat our lunch outside and work on school work for the rest of the day. We fortunately get out of school soon enough. I feel bad that I couldn't tell Uraraka what had happened, but I didn't feel comfortable with a bunch of people knowing. I'm not even sure if the detectives want us to tell anyone, anyway.

Rei picks Shouto and I up, and we drive home. She told us she has emailed Mr. Aizawa, and said something personal happened, so we don't really want to talk about it. 

The rest of the day, Shouto and I play video games, cuddle, and do normal, teenage boy things. We go to bed, in hopes that we'll find out more information about my mom tomorrow.


well, that was chapter 14 !! i hope you enjoyed, also thanks for getting my story ranked 46 in tododeku- ya'll have no idea how appreciative i am 😭 😭 it's also kinda hard for me to do super long chapters so i hope this is enough for you- and as always

peace out

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