Tips for FNaF 2 Nights 1-5

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Alright, even if you've never played FNaF 2 I hope you like this anyway. These aren't individual nights like in the last part this is just everything you need to do.

1. Wind up the music box. Thai should be your first priority, during all nights.
2. There is no way of stopping the animatronics from coming, only if one appears in the hallway/air vents make sure to immediately put in the mask and wait about 5 seconds.
3. If Foxy appears, flicker the light at him, as most of you know, the mask doesn't work on Foxy. If BB is in your office, sorry, it's goodbye to you. If you hear BB say "hi" or "hello", he is either in the vent or he has moved. BB is a little like Freddy from the first game, if you hear either of them laugh or say "hi", they have moved.
4. The puppet can on very rare occasions be seen emerging from the box, and when this happens, make SURE that the music box is wound up at all times.

Alrighty then, sorry that this was really short, I know ALOT MORE about the first game than the second. I'll update soon, the next part is undecided, because I can't think of anything else for tips or facts or theories. Bye!!!

(Update: I made a new part a while ago, it's about FNaF 3. If you haven't read it, just go ahead and on whatever device you're using, just go on to the next part. Okay for reals this time, BYE!!!!)

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