Backstory, part 1...

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Sky had just finished operating on a patient with liver cancer, ending the operation well. She walks to her cabin. As soon as she opened the door she saw a figure sitting right on her table. That was Sky's best friend, Lee Hana.

(The conversation goes on like this-)

SKY: "Get off my table eonnie!"

HANA: "Okay, calm down, I won't sit there anymore! And how many times have I told you not to call me eonnie? It makes me sound old."

SKY: "You are old." (She whispers to herself)

HANA: "Hey! I heard that."

SKY: "Geez! Okay, I'm sorry. Can we not scream? I'm too tired for this right now." (Hana nodes)

"So, why'd you come here?"

HANA: "Oh, yeah that. Guess what I found missy."

SKY: (She sighs. <Not again> she thought) "What?"

HANA: "Another one of your books! Can you stop hiding these? You know I really love them, plus your poems and songs are really amazing and deep. We should publish this and the others too!"

SKY: "Hell no, no-one's publishing that Hana. YOU out of all people should know that the most. I only do this as my hobby."

HANA: "Okay, fine."

SKY: "How's Olivia doing? Is she good, any other complications?"

HANA: "The kid with the heart disease? She is doing great, well that's only for now though, we can't be so sure"

SKY: "Okay, but please keep checking on her."

HANA: "Yeah, yeah... shouldn't you be sleeping now though? You literally just had a 6 hour long surgery and its 12:37am."

SKY: "Yup, I was about to until someone just interrupted it" (Speaks in an annoyed tone.)

HANA: "Okay, I'll go... good night! See you later, yeah?"

SKY: "Good night, see ya!"

After Hana leaves, Sky then drags her body to the couch in her cabin and throws herself on it. A few minutes pass by and she's already deep in sleep.

#Few hours later; at 8:23#

A nurse knocks at her cabin door, letting herself in a few seconds later. "Doctor Sky, the outpatients have arrived, you will have to see them in a couple of minutes." She says. "Coming" Sky replies in a sleepy tone. After waking up, she gets ready to go check on her outpatients.

<TIME SKIP; after seeing her outpatients>

SKY: "Hi everyone, I'll be heading out to get some coffee for myself. Does anyone want anything?"

Staff 1: "Yes, could you please get all of us iced coffee? Is that okay for everyone?"

Rest of the staff: "Yeah that's fine."

SKY: "'Kay I'll be back soon!"

<TIME SKIP; while going back to the hospital>

Sky was a few minutes away from the hospital when she heard a loud thud, it almost sounded like a car crashing. At first, she was very startled. But soon she rushed to the place where the noise came from. There was a huge crowed circling a pole.

 She then saw a plump, almost unconscious man with a few of scratches on his face. She acted on her toes, and pulled him out of the car and started to do a simple check on him. She screamed "Someone help me carry him to the hospital, it's only a few minutes away from here!" A middle aged man volunteered.

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