Tommy shivered as he exited the tunnel, glad to feel the warmth of the sun.

"Oh hey Tommy! Glad to see you've made it." Tubbo smiled, standing by a tall, half black, half white boy.

"Oh." Tommy rolled his eyes, "hello Ranboo."

"Uh, hi." Ranboo nodded, "what's uh, what's up?"

"Nothing much, Ranboo." Tommy crossed his arms.

"Oh," Ranboo said softly, "okay."

Tubbo leaned in between the two, "we were just going to go check on Michael, wanna come?"

"Actually, I was just on my way to see Phil and Techno." Ranboo told the two.

"Oh? What for?" Tommy asked.

Ranboo seemed to freeze for a moment, "oh, um, just to, to visit. Yeah."

Tommy nodded slowly.

"Also cause I, you know, live there." Ranboo shrugged.

"Okay, well, Tubbo I think we should be on our way now." Tommy huffed.

"Oh, yeah, of course. I'll just..." Ranboo awkwardly made his way over to the tunnel and disappeared.

"He's an odd one, isn't he?" Tommy shook his head, "can't stand him."

"I think he's alright." Tubbo smiled, making his way up the steps of his Snowchester home.

"Okay Mr. I'm-Married-to-a-prick." Tommy joked as he followed Tubbo into the house.

"To be fair we only married for tax reasons." Tubbo laughed.

Tommy barked out a laugh as he lifted himself over the trapdoor to Michaels room.

"Hi Michael!" Tubbo cooed over his son.

"Hello Michael." Tommy smiled softly.

The zombie pigman child looked up at them with a smile, then proceeded to show them his shiny gold sword.

"Awwe!" Tubbo turned to Tommy, "isn't Michael just the best."

"Uhh, yeah." Tommy nodded slowly.

"Anyway, what do you want to do now?" Tubbo asked, starting down the ladder.

Tommy shrugged, "Wanna go put dicks on BadBoyHalo's house?"

Tubbo broke down in laughter, "oh god yes!"

The boys laughed as they walked back towards the main part of the SMP. They were just approaching the soul sand tunnel when the ground shook violently.

"What the-!" Tubbo yelled, clinging to his friend to keep from falling.

"What the hell was that!?" Tommy screamed.

"You don't think it was the prison, do you!?" Tubbo shouted.

"No! It can't be!" Tommy said, his eyes going wide "unless..."

Tubbo's eyes widened as well, "You think it was Wilbur!? We don't even know if it is the prison!"

"Well who else has some kind of huge power!?" Tommy cried, rubbing his eyes in frustration.

However, he was met with silence.


Tommy looked up to see his friend slowly falling to the ground.

"Tubbo!" Tommy yelled, catching the boy, "what's going on man!?"

"I'm just..." Tubbo muttered, his eyes falling closed, "really tired..."

Just then, Ranboo landed next to them, holding a trident.

"Tommy! Tubbo!" Ranboo called out, "did you guys feel-! What happened to Tubbo!"

"I don't know!" Tommy yelled.

"Tubbo!" Ranboo rushed over to hold his platonic husband, "Tubbo wake up!"

Ranboo looked up at Tommy to see him also falling asleep, "Tommy!?"

"I'm fine! I'm just..." Before he could finish his sentence, Tommy fell to the ground.

"Tommy!" Ranboo yelled, starting to feel whatever was affecting his friends take hold of him.

"No no no!" Ranboo told himself as his eyelids drooped, "I can't fall asleep! I can't..."



Hope you liked the first chapter of this cause I'm excited to write more! It feels so good to be writing again, even if it isn't for the Sanders Sides fandom!

I hope y'all enjoy the rest of the book!

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