A Headsman's Axe

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Everyone stood silent as General Tullius approached the gagged Jarl of Windhelm, Ulfric Stormcloak.

"Ulfric Stormcloak" General Tullius began with a snarl, "some here in Helgen call you a hero. But a hero doesn't use the power of the voice to murder his high king and usurp his throne. You started this war, plunged skyrim into chaos and now the empire is going to put you down and restore the peace." A sound, like thunder echoing in the distance, rang out over the hills. Vaemona shuddered, and the hair on her back of her neck stood as everyone's body tensed.

"What was that?" A man asked, looking around frantically to find the source.

General Tullius grunted and answered gruffly, "Its nothing, carry on."

"Yes, General Tullius. Give them their last rites." Vaemona's eyes fluttered closed and she swayed slightly from side to side. Her head was spinning and her breathing shallow as she came to the horrid realization these were her final moments. She had only returned to this dreadful place to be with her sickly mother, and now she would never see her again. In the back of her mind she could hear the priestess chanting their last rites, and she was still vaguely aware of the people around her. But Vae was only a breath away from fainting.

"For the love of talos shut up and lets get this over with." An angry stormcloak yelled from next to Vae, breaking her from her catatonic state. The man walked bravely towards the block with no falter in his step. He knew this was his end but he faced it honorably, Vaemona admired him for that.

"As you wish."

"Come on. I haven't got all morning." He growled as the female imperial soldier pushed him down onto his knees. He laid his neck over the block and the headsman raised his arms. Vaemona bit her lip to stifle a scream as the image of her father once again filled her sight. "My ancestors are smiling on me imperial, can you say the same?" In less than a moment the axe had fallen, and the man's head fell into the basket that awaited it.

A woman screamed from the background "you imperial bastards!" And a man answered with a proclamation of "Justice!" Another woman yelled "death to the stormcloaks!" How cruel...Vaemona thought her heart heavy with the hatred of those around her.

"As fearless in death as he was in life," the man beside her sighed, his eyes downcast to the ground.

"Next the renegade from Cyrodiil." The woman soldier called, her eyes locked on Vaemona's near trembling figure.

The noise came again, seemingly closer this time. It rumbled in the shadowy echoes of the darkened sky. No one moved or uttered a sound.

"There it is again" a man breathed, barely above a whisper. There was a pause then the woman barked the order:

"I said next prisoner!"

The man next to her gave a curt nod. "To the block prisoner, nice and easy." Vaemona's legs shook beneath her, her wobbly knees threatening to give way with each step. She dropped to the ground in front of the block, her father's phantom shadow copying her movements. She gulped and whispered a final goodbye as as the axemans arm's raised.

"RAWR" That noise again... Vaemona blinked and lifted her head slightly. A figure, large and terrifying came soaring through the clouds. It landed heavily atop the tower.

"Sentries what do you see?"

"Its in the clouds!"

The creatures jaws opened, revealing long and sharp fangs. It made made a noise, more articulate than than a growl. One might describe it as a shout. The clouds surged on themselves and large rocks began to fall from the sky. A rock fell beside the axeman throwing him back. Dust blew into Vaemona's eyes obscuring her vision. A voice rang out through the choas and and into her ears.

"Hey imperial get up! Come on the gods won't give us a second chance!"

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