Are You With Me or What?

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"Hey baby

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"Hey's me again!—Bakari sighed.— Sweetheart please come home...I'm not mad or upset with you Ry. I just want you he-"

Before Bakari could finish his hundredth voicemail to Ryder the front door opened and slammed shut. He waited patiently on the couch as the sound of footsteps became closer and closer. Soon his fiancé appeared dawning a fresh face, slightly hair tucked behind her ears and wearing a sweats.

"Hey..." Ryder said lowly as she smirked nervously.

"Hey baby..." He replied with the same uncertainty of how they were supposed to go about striking up a conversation. Seeing she wasn't moving from her spot Bakari was up on his feet.

He wasted no time wrapping his lady up in his arms. It took her a minute to relax before she returned his hug. "Baby I missed you so much." He whispered in her ear.

He felt Ryder shake in his arms before feeling a wet sensation on his chest. He then realized she was crying.

"I'm sorry." She uttered before breaking down.

Bakari's hands then moved from around her waste to her face making her look at him. "Baby you have nothing to be sorry did nothing wrong! Stop crying my love." He reassured her as he wiped the tears from her face.

"Please don't leave me because of this!" She continued to cry making Bakari's heart hurt for her.

"Ry I would never leave you baby..I love you too much to let what that evil ass bitch said break us up. Nobody's opinions of you matter to me!"

"You promise?" She asked and Bakari nodded.

She took his hand leading him back on to the couch. Ryder laid her head on his shoulder as he wrapped her up in his muscular arms. With the other hand he grabbed the glass of D'usse he poured earlier handing into her.

" might need it more than I do though once I tell you everything."

Bakari's eyes landed on the glass before returning to Ryder's brown orbs. "I think I'll hold on to it...for now!"

They shared a short laugh for the first time since she'd been back home. Letting out a hard breath, Ryder takes a beat before telling her fiancé about the hardest time in her life, that lead to the horrendous Whitley Weathers interview.


By the time Ryder finished speaking Bakari was now guzzling down his third glass of D'usse after downing the original glass.

"Please tell me that's it?" Bakari asked after setting the empty glass down with a hard huff due to the burning liquid going down his throat.

Ryder sighed. "Yeah! That's everything...Oh! And I think Del'Rio is the person who sent me a letter at our engagement party!" She mumbled quickly causing Bakari to eye her pointedly. He grunted before reach for the liquor bottle, but was quickly stopped by his fiancé.

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