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Beginne am Anfang

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, feeling goosebumps on my arms so I rubbed it away.

"I don't get it, I'm clearly alive, there can't be a second me, right?" I crossed my arms.

Unless, these two universes I'm in are actually parallel? That's why two versions of me exists?

"That's what we've been thinking about, we've tried to track any poison in your blood, but there wasn't any, so, after months of waiting.. we let you go. We couldn't stand seeing you vulnerable without any trace of consciousness. I'm sorry." Hermione sighed.

I went silent for a minute before massaging my forehead.

"It's fine, the important thing is, I'm here, aren't I?" I smiled at them, feeling the tension in the room slightly lessen.

"Thank Godric, you're here. We've missed you so much." Ginny nodded at me with a grin.

"I'm so sorry about your losses, I promise I'd save them once I go back." I bit my lip in guilt, I didn't mention any names, it would be horrible for them.

"It's fine," Ron smiled at me before pausing. "Wait, so that's what you've been trying to do all this time! You were trying to save us!"

The other four widened their eyes before turning to me.

"Nicolette, why would you do that? So does that mean, you knew what would happen? How?" Draco's eyes shifted to me in surprise.

"Let's just say, I'm closely similar to a seer." I said, turning to the three beside me, giving them a sneaky wink.

"How could I've been so clueless, so that's why you were trying to kill Pettigrew in third year! That's how you knew about the Triwizard Tournament!" Hermione almost shot up her seat.

"Took you long enough." I laughed. The four still seemed shocked by my revelation.

"By the way, how's Daphne?" I asked them, missing my best friend.

"She's doing fine, busy with little Nico." Draco answered.

"Who's Nico?" I asked.

"Her son, Nico Astorius Nott. She named him after you and Astoria." Draco smiled.

I forgot Astoria died, sad.

"Wait, Nott? Does that mean?" My jaw dropped and Draco only laughed at my reaction.

"Oh my God!" I gasped in shock.

"I think Nicolette has her favorite nephew already." Ron snickered.

"Hey, I wanted to meet Rose, Albus, James and Lily too." I glared playfully at them before turning to Draco. "And Scorpius too."

"By the way, you three seemed to get along with Draco. Did I miss anything?" I squinted my eyes at them.

"When you vanished, I felt very guilty for not apologizing, so I did one thing you wanted to see, it was to make amends with Potter and his friends." Draco softly smiled, turning at the trio for a second.

"That's great!" I nodded at them with a smile.

We were startled by a loud yodelling sound playing, it was Peter's ringtone.

"A phone!" Ron pointed at Peter who answered the call.

"Mr. Stark?" Peter grew pale as I did too.

"What did he say?" I asked in nervousness.

Peter tapped the speaker button and we listened to it.

"Where are you kids again? I tried tracking you both, you weren't in New Asgard! I swear to God if you're in Space right now-"

"We're not in Space! Peter, Loki, Sif and I decided to visit my," I turned to the five who was also listening. "Home."

"Okay, so why didn't you tell me?" Tony asked.

"We were supposed to go out for pizza, until Peter suggested to go and try to take me home, so it was an unplanned trip." I explained.

"Mr. Stark it's not my fault! It was just a suggestion! Besides, the majority won since Loki and Sif also agreed!" Peter chimed in.

"Don't drag me into this, I just agreed with what you said!" Sif retorted.

"Oh, you brought Rock of Ages and Shield with you too? Oh God." I could almost hear Tony facepalm.

"Sorry, Tony. I promise we'll go back there eventually!" I said, before turning the call off.

"Nicolette!" Peter shrieked.

"What?" I frowned at him.

"You did not just hang up on Mr. Stark!" Peter gasped.

"Well, I did. We're going back anyways." I shrugged before turning to the five.

"Uh, this seems to be a huge favor to ask for," I stood up and crossed my arms. "But, can I borrow a time-turner?" I sheepishly smiled.

"A time-turner? What for?" Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"So I could go home." I said.

Hermione looked at me for a second before sighing and standing up. She reached up to a bookshelf, revealing a box inside and she gave it to me.

"Use it wisely, and goodluck." Hermione smiled.

"Then we'll have to go now or Tony will go crazy." I nodded at them and turned to Peter, Loki, and Sif who stood next to me.

"I assume you've spent quite a time going here to find us, so we'll help you go back." Harry said as they picked their wands up.

"What kind of some weird transportation are these humans going to do again?" Loki sighed.

"Apparition." I said, excitedly.

Harry and the others walked over to us and held up their wands.

"Where to?" Harry asked me.

"New York." I said as they nodded, before we could blink, we've been engulfed in thin air.

We arrived in a back alley in New York. I turned to the five with a smile, hugging them one by one.

"Nicolette, I'm sorry." Draco said after he pulled away.

"It's fine, I already forgave you." I smiled at him in assurance before gasping. "Oh, right. I never got the chance to talk to Daphne, please give this to her." I removed my bracelet and placed it in Draco's hand.

"I will, have a safe journey." Draco nodded at me.

"Thank you, again. I'll see you back in time." I said as they smiled at me before disappearing.

"I would've stayed there, to be honest. The tea there is great." Loki mumbled as we walked to the Avengers Tower.

We arrived in the Avengers Tower as those workers still looked at us weirdly. We went in the elevator and waited for it to open at the top floor.

"Finally, this is the second time you've went impromptu without telling me, and hello there Reindeer Games." Tony grumbled.

"Hello, Stark." Loki nodded.

"Oh look at this, the Fantastic Four has arrived!" Sam laughed while Bucky only snorted.

"And you've doubled up with recruits, nice." Loki muttered.

We sat in the couch while I stared at the small box Hermione gave me which consisted the time-turner.

𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 ʰᵖ ˣ ᵐᶜᵘWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt